
How big should a cage for 2 male guinea pigs be?

by  |  earlier

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I have a guinea pig, but i am thinking about getting him a friend... if the cage im getting is 40" x 18" x 18"... is that big enough? most of the time Chili, my guinea pig, is in his playpen or on someone's lap... But is that cage big enough, or will they fight for space?




  1. c&c cage would be wonderful.

  2. I would think so as long as they can have a lot of time out of the cage as say 2 hours a day. Also I reccomend getting a 6-8 week old piggie as it will be easier to introduce them. Other than that they should be fine

  3. Good on you for getting him a friend! Guinea pigs are highly social animals. It's a common misconception that male guinea pigs absolutely cannot get along. I'd make the cage as big as you can... build a C&C cage! They're cheap and easy:

    Check the chart on the front page to see how much space is needed for how many pigs.

  4. I understand.. you just ordered a new cage and you cant make a c&c cage because your keeping the cage in your room. Males will get along with each other so dont think that they wont. I suggest you give them an introduction and if they get along then try putting them in the same cage. Just remember to let them out a lot everyday for them to excersive. You should atleast try rather then just not try at all.

  5. i was always told that 2 male guinnea pigs will fight.  I would advise against putting them in the same cage.  I think Chili's new friend should have his own cage, just to make sure that no fights break out.  Hope this helps.  Good Luck!

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