
How big should you be before you consider breast reduction surgery?

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I have very full D's and am considering it. I'm also 17....thoughts?

(probably most people will say I'm too young but theyre really started to get annoying...and are still growing!!)




  1. the most important thing is that you already need to be a normal height and weight. They won't do it on fat people

  2. why would you do that! Your perfect the way you r and also most women want to get bigger so just think of yourself as gifted!  

  3. There is really no set size you need to be in order to get a breast reduction. A lot depends on your body to breast ratio. But most women get it done when it starts getting uncomfortable and affecting their quality of life.

  4. I don't have this problem at all (actually, I am the opposite!) but if they are causing you back aches or other troubles then surgery might be for you. As you are 17, you may be still developing. Wait another couple of years because you may become a lot bigger. You should do a lot of research into any medical procedure and make sure you find a doctor who you are comfortable with. Only you can make the decision for yourself.  

  5. The time to have surgery is when you have back problems due to the size of your b*****s.

  6. wel if u dont like them then u should change them when u want to. but u have to remember that the stuff that is done should u choose to do it are permanant, granted that u should wait till your older like 20 or so. in my opinion seventeen is still a teen. plus you might want to take some time to think about it. also you might want to wait until you have enough money. in fact wait till you have more than enough money. plus money for other things. but seriously wait till ur like 20 or 23 or older and u really want to think about it. like the pros and the cons. though i think theres nothing wrong with how u are now. ur perfectly normal

  7. If they bother you and are putting you in pain then i would say get it done. It shouldn't be "how big should they be before you get it done"..... it should be more along the lines of how big do "i" want them to be. Anytime its causing you pain is a good time to get something done about it.

  8. Don't get it till you stop growing because it will be a waste of money, there is no actual size you should be. if they are uncomfortable, like that cause back pain then go for it. it can be a lot of relief. i say wait two more years then go for your surgery

    goodluck (:

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