
How big was that pick off of Justin Christian off first base in the 9th inning?

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How big was that pick off of Justin Christian off first base in the 9th inning?




  1. Think of Dave Roberts.

    Who?  Gather 'round all you little bandwagoners, I'll tell you.

    Once upon a time, way back in 2004 the Yankees were ahead of the Red Sox 3-1 in the ALCS and leading in the game. When the Sox got a single they put in Roberts to pinch run much like the Yankees did with Christan yesterday.  The difference?  Roberts stole second, even though everyone watching the game knew he would try.  The Sox came roaring back to win that game and to begin the biggest sports upset ever.

    And we all lived happily ever after

  2. huge if he stole second damon would have advanced him 2 third jeter single would have tied it  

  3. It was very huge. It killed any momentum the Yankees had at that point & as a result they lost a major heart breaker.

  4. Who's Justin Christian??  

  5. young BUCk got it right.  Who does that?

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