
How big would you like your family to be?

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I already have three children, and my husband has kids too, so we already have a fairly large family.. But we are planning to have two/three with each other.. (if we could get pregnant!)

How many children would other TTC couples like?




  1. My husband and I have been TTC for about 6 months, no such luck yet.  He would like to have at least 3 children, but right about now, I would feel very blessed if I could just have 1!

  2. I have one son who's 4 and i'm 14-weeks pregnant with my second child! both my husband and i would like 4 but that all depends on money! no less than 3 though!!!!!

    good luck, i hope you get pregnant soon - it took us 2 months with our first and almost 2-years with our second - crazy!!!! thought it'd never happen but we're over the moon now!!!!

    * * baby dust for you * *

  3. We are only having two..Already have one child and pregnant with number was such a long hard road to get pregnant the second time Good luck to ALL TTCER's!

  4. well i have two boys and two girls and wife expecting next one but would at least six in total.

  5. 2-3 kids

  6. I'm not TTC just yet, want to finish college first, I already have a beautiful daughter. I want 2 children, possibly 3, I don't mind the sexes, but I would LOVE a baby boy next as I already have my little girl!

    Good luck to all the TTC you WILL get your lil baby one day!

  7. It is just me and my husband. A Family of 2, is still a family, and that is all we would like. We have "Adopted" a Children's Hospice, and spoil them every month. We also buy 200 toys a year for Toys for Tots, That is more than enough children for us.  

  8. we have 2, one each. but i would love to have 2 more. again one each. we're from small families.


  10. One, two or four. Just has to be an even number unless it's one.

  11. Personnally I have two & that's plenty, but they do say that their cheaper by the dozen....

  12. I would love having at least 6, maybe more, I grew up in a family of six and I loved it. I want the same! =)

  13. How fortunate for you.  I would be grateful for one child, and I am starting to think that it is an unrealistic goal.

  14. Well, First Off.

    You Reaaally must think it through first.

    And, woow..You and Your Husband must be reallt Close !


    Well, As a Teenager (17)

    i would like quite a small, but medium family.

    Like a MAXIMUM of 4 sisters/Brothers, Livinn with me (:

    i Hope that Helps.

    Anyway, Its Not up to us..

    Its how YOU feel (:

    GoodLuck  (:


  15. we have 2 boys and one day we would like to have a baby girl. 3 for us is the number

  16. We would like four, so just one more to go.  A few people have said "why" and been very negative but we have had people saying "the bigger the better" and "even numbers are best".

    At the end of the day it's what you can manage and be content with.

    Good Luck.

  17. we always wanted 4 kids.

    our third child is 13 days old and i honestly can't do it again.

  18. Well i'm 21 and i have no kids but i would like to have 3 kids in my future named.... JaMorya, D'Avante and Adrianna  

  19. two max 1 boy one girl

  20. I would love to have 4! Two boys and two girls :)

  21. i would love at least 3!

    But geez TTC number 1 is hard enough haha!

  22. what is ttc?

    I'm 19 and want to have 3 boys by when I'm 30 and 2 daughters before I'm 35

  23. If money wasn't an issue I would love 4 or 5 children, but I expect we will have 2 or 3.  We already have been blessed with a little boy so two more to go!!  

  24. Me and my husband would like at least two possibly 3 if the first two are girls :) But I agree getting, number is pretty d**n hard! But large families are wonderful. I grew up in a large close family and I wouldn't change it for the world!! Good Luck!!

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