
How big would you say God is?

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Is God as big as the whole universe. Or as small as the center of the atom or smaller then the center of an electron? And describe your reasoning please.




  1. He's 55'4".

    I met him.

    No seriously, I think he isn't really a physical being, but maybe just a conciousness that spans the entire universe. Maybe God isn't concious at all. Maybe nature is God and vice versa. Nature appears to be concious because it tries to stay balanced (darwinism) but this is an illusion. The universe has a number of laws and it appears like it strives towards order (planets are spheres, recurring shapes like spirals, etc) but is this really caused by a concious being? Maybe nature IS a being, only not a concious one (you can't talk to it/it doesn't feel remorse when it wipes out 150.000 people with a tidal wave) Maybe God is the same. This would explain why God sometimes appears to be cruel. I don't believe in the devil and h**l. I think the church (corrupt organisation) made it up to keep people in control. Yea I know it's a bit of a paradox and I know people will think this is blasphemy but I'm all for free speech. And I'm just thinking, I never said I knew the truth.

    Anyway, never suppress free speech and 'free thinking', because that is what gives us the right to call ourselves human - we can ponder our own existance!

    peace :-)

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