
How bleak is the future for the Republican party?

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Considering that only 13% of their constituents list themselves as a non-white minority and whites will be the minority in the US in the next 20 years?

Is McCain/Palin the last opportunity for the party to hold the Presidency?




  1. Not at all!!   Far too many see that the US will become like the countries that the "non-white minority" left due to the liberal beliefs of the Democratic party.

  2. <<Is McCain/Palin the last opportunity for the party to hold the Presidency?>>

    No, because there are many more uninformed "believers" out there, than you think there are.

  3. I don't know whether your statistics are correct or not, but I think you make a good point.  Republicans have an image problem. The reality though is that it's mostly image - not substance.  There are many "non-whites" in this country who hold conservative values and it is the challenge of the Republicans to reach out to those folks.  

    It's an uphill battle since the popular culture often seems bent on vilifying Republicans who are usually completely limp and spineless in response.  Hopefully Sarah Palin will represent a new direction for the party and help people realize that the Republicans really are the party for all of us.  

  4. I remember this being brought up after their loss in the 1964 election.  But remember theirs is one of only two places on the ballot with a prayer of winning any important election.

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