
How boost baby's intelligence

by Guest66852  |  earlier

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thanks for answering everyone! : )




  1. Lots of interaction. Lots of visual stimulation (mobile above his/her cot/play pen, pictures, books), different types of music for baby to listen to, talk to your baby a lot, even if you're just telling him/her what you're doing at the moment or what's for dinner tonight.

    Let your baby explore the world around him/her and explain to him/her what they're looking at or holding.

    Good luck and enjoy your baby

  2. There are all sorts of developmental videos and flashcards etc. that are out there to show your baby but what most seem to agree on is that the more you talk, sing and read to your baby and the more things you expose them to (taking them for a walk in the park or to the store and showing them things) the faster they will learn about the world around them.  Learn those nursery rhymes and get some interactive books (touch-and-feel, peekaboo).  Your time and love is the best thing to give to aid her emotional and intellectual growth.


  4. talk to them a lot.  i always talked to my baby neighbor a lot, but when my neighbor turned 1, i started saying everything we were about to do in clear, full sentences.  "Lets go eat lunch"  "Its time to take a nap"  "Lets go wash your hands"  etc, etc...and everyone feels that has made a world of difference because she is 2 years old (in june) and is in a small camp class with 3 year olds and talks better than half of them.

    I also, starting from when she could sit on her own, i would stack blocks for her and she would watch, id drive toy cars around on the floor making vroom vroom sounds, id sing old mcdonald and show her animal pictures.  shes 2 and can recognize animals like ladybug, squirrel, kangaroo, alligator, plus all the normal ones, cat, dog, etc.

    so i would say, talk to them, explain things very simply to them, even if they are 1 years old and cant ask.. If ur feeding her with a spoon at 1, have her do it with u, and say "we use spoons to eat our food.  this is food.  the spoon goes in the bowl, then in the mouth."

    show them how to do things, even if they seem too young for a particular toy.  like i said i stacked blocks for my neighbor when she was 5 months old, she was able to do it a little at 7 months.

    just be patient, and they'll start picking things up quickly.

    good luck!!

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