
How boring is it being a first time crew chief in the air force?

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yea just joined the air force i picked crew chief because i couldnt become a loadmaster because of my depth perception helicopter crew chieffs ever get to fly when they first strart off?




  1. Did it ten years on the A-10. You won't be bored.

  2. You will have to go through more training and even survival training to be certified to fly. The Air Force calls many maintenance jobs crew chief jobs. The 431 covers from seat repair to engine repair to flight line maintenance. If you get bored on the job then you are a safety hazard as you're guard is down and that is when bad things can happen.

  3. Not sure about helicopters, but in heavy aircraft maintenance, crew chiefs get to fly.  I don't think it's boring.  Usually it's something different every day.  Unless you work in phase or ISO, then it's repetitive.

  4. I agree with laptopgy.

    You must always be alert and diligent anytime your at the airfield or on the flightline.  Remember--Peoples lives encluding your own depends on sound judgements on your part.

    Yes, crew chiefs get to fly on helicopters.  Many Senior helo pilots want their crew cheifs to know how to fly the aircraft they are responsible for so he/she knows if any problems are beginning to show up as well as having an additional person on board just in case one of the pilots is disabled.

    I always trained my crew chiefs to fly OUR aircraft.

    Please Understand--YOUR MOS is Vital to all the people you work around.

    Be proud of what you do and Thank YOU for your service.

    Its a Team Effort

  5. Yes, frequently.  If you're bored, I as a crewdog-don't want you working on my jet.  Too much at stake:  my hinder among several million dollars worth of taxpayer aircraft and munitions.

    If you aren't on game, all the time, EVERY time, some of your troops might miss something.  THAT you will regret for the rest of your life.

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