
How boring is rugby union ?

by Guest63719  |  earlier

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I follow football and rugby league, but wanted to get excited about the union world cup.

How can anyone find it exciting to get the ball and just kick it straight into touch.

Are they not allowed to run with ball ?




  1. It's a question of taste, I prefer union to league, league is all half-tackles and silly runs, no scrumming and has all the excitment of tepid milk.

    Sorry- just not me.

  2. how can a rugby league fan say that?

    at least you can be tackled in union.

  3. I guess its about where you come from. Seeing as you follow 'football' instead of 'soccer' I can presume you live in the UK as it is the only other country outside the ANZAC nations that play league.

    Union is more tactical than leage and the broken play or attacking action in my view beats league hands down. Comming from NZ, union is everything, by far the most dominant sport in the country. Yes there are some boring games (Namely the English style of play) but some of the skills you see are not seen in league at all. I've seen so many 'great passes' in league that union guys can finish off with more finese, class and ease to the point that the same move is not a big deal in union.

    In my opinion, Union is great and I prefer it to League. So no, it ain't boring.

  4. You obviously haven't watched union since the 80s or you've only been watching England. If you look at  the skills on show when New Zealand are playing or the the interplay between backs and forwards when Wales are having a good day, then no one could find that boring.

  5. well said skippy!!!!!

    rugby union is very exciting... i'm very passionate about it!! who do we want to win???

    I'd love New Zealand to win the world cup.....c'mon the mighty all blacks!!

  6. I love rugby and i have to say, i agree with you chap. As a NZer, we get to watch a lot of rugby on our screens. Our local championship and the world cup are playing presently, but as far as spectacles go, the NRL league competition has got it over them both. Sure we are getting carried away with the hype of the world cup, but lets not let that euphoria cloud our judgement on exactly what is spectacular. Fact: only 37 mins of the 80 mins of a rugby game is actual play, the rest is stoppages and restarts. Tactically, i love rugby and love its intracacies, but the explosive confrontational nature of league makes it more spectacular

  7. Yes they do, quite often.

  8. You just don't understand the finer points of the game!

  9. its all about you. you have to play the game to know what the players go though . boring is anything you don't understand

  10. not boring at all not  like pansy rugby league where if u get "touched" 5 times you give possession away ridiculous question

  11. It's the real rugby, not that touch-rugby league.Wait and watch the all-blacks if you want to see some really great running rugby.League supporters can't understand the finer points of the Union game, turnover ball in the rucks,contested scrums, rolling mauls..what do league players do? Give a little dinky pass back ah, bless. What is the point of scrums in league???I still can't fathom it.

    When is your league world cup??..have you got enough countries playing it to take part??? People know which is the master code and it's on at the moment.

  12. Not to mention Kurt and Dane Sorensen and Dane O'Hara and James Leuleuai and Gary Kemble.

    Watching Yawnion is the most boring pastime that you can imagine.

  13. I'm no expert in this but most of my guy friends are pretty hyped about Rugby Union...I don't follow it myself, but I guess hanging around in a pub sipping beer or cider (e.g. Strongbow...I love cider... :D) whilst cheering on a team is quite an 'experience' or an 'event' for some people...

  14. How can you compare league to touch? that is rediculous! have you not heard of Sonny Bill Williams? Frank Pritchard? Francis Meli? If any of you are fellow kiwis, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

  15. Very boring!!!

  16. youve probably been watching too much 6 nations "10 man" rugby where all they do is kick it into touch all the time or attempt drop kicks any time they have a decent scoring opportunity. watch tri nations teams play and you will change your mind. and as for soccer...thats about as exciting as watching paint dry.

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