
How brightly will Palin outshine Pelosi as the new most powerful woman in politics!?

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  1. Pelosi is worried, I bet

  2. She is the bright mid day SUN, to Pelosi's1 watt light bulb!

  3. What a breathe of fresh air Palin is compared to Pelosi.  She will be out classed by Palin.

  4. Palin is a fighter and a go getter. A strong woman.  Woo hoo!  

  5. Several magnitudes of brightness.

  6. ery much so and with class that pelosi lacks

  7. I love Palin.  But I farted and it outshined Pelosi.

  8. it won't take much- besides Pelosi is a dog compared to Palin

  9. Do you mean how will a tough, intelligent, ethical, pro-life, pro-liberty true American outshine a corrupt sleazy witch from a place that is so far to the left of America it is practically suburb of Moscow?

    I'm still in shock that McCain picked the VP I wanted him to pick.

    Obama of course passed over many qualified candidates in his party to select a political hack.

  10. Please she not in their league. Please go to the state of Hawaii website. Linda Lingle is their governor. read her resume. she's much more qualified than Palin. What would you have thought if Obama had selected Linda Lingle, Governor of Hawaii as his running mate?

  11. VP is hardly ever the most powerful job. Only Cheney stole power as a VP. Of course, someone had to run the country.

  12. Lol, she already does.

  13. Ohhh, this is a good question!!!  n**i Pelosi, the dictator who calls for a TWO-WEEK vacation instead of ALLOWING a floor VOTE on the July 4th weekend, then calling for a FIVE-WEEK vacation instead of ALLOWING a floor VOTE for Labor Day weekend!!!  What's that scary B!TC# going to do for Halloween?!!!

  14. clearly you jest

    palin pales (pun intended) in comparison to the great pelosi

  15. Pelosi is kinda old and dried up.. spontanious combustion isnt out of the question here.

  16. Nancy Polosi's approval rating.... 9%

    Sarah Palin's approval rating....80%

    No comparison!

  17. Are you kidding?  Pelosi and Boxer could only be elected by Hollywood tainted CA.  What has either accomplished other then whining about Bush this and Republicans that all in the same breath saying there needs to be bipartisanship.  Enough already, tend to the People's business.  

  18. Yes, Sarah Palin is going places. I think I'm in love.

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