
How cam i raise my self esteem ?

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my self esteem is so low its not even funny i dont know what to do anymore its is slow low that it is ruining my self esteem




  1. Become your own best friend.  Be just as compassionate, caring, loving, accepting, forgiving, empathetic, and encouraging with yourself as you are with the people you love, admire, and respect.  Understand that you are no more qualified to pass judgment on and condemn yourself than you are to judge and condemn anyone else.  Also, understand that you have the right and the ability to create yourself -- to define who you want to be and to become that.  If your self-esteem is really that low right now, then that just means that you have a lot of space available to you to grow.

  2. Your self esteem is so low it is lowering your self're killing me!  You are doing good answer/asking questions here!  Over half of the world couldn't type their own name!

  3. Do somthing that makes you even the least bit happy. Now that your in a better mood have one person you trust wright a 10 things good about you list for you. Then you wright one, now see how you feel this is good for a start but you need to keep finding little things that help.

  4. Hi there, it's a big question, I have a website that is dedicated to this kind of stuff, everything there has helped me, might help you too.  There are some good links there as well.

    good luck

  5. Anna, after reading a lot of your questions, it's apparent that you have a mild depression going on.  There are lots of answers available on depression, and I won't address it here.  But here is a crazy suggesion...

    ...Get off the computer and do something productive.  Try exercising, maybe.  A good thirty minute walk will be good for you.  It will stimulate endorphines production in your body, which will give you a natural "high" making you feel better about yourself, and life in general.  Exercise is cheap, good for you, and an easy fix for depression and self-esteem problems.  

  6. Buy raising goats. Alot of self satisfaction with goat farming.

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