
How can 1 person make a difference in the enviorment??

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I need facts like "Did you know that one person can ____" I'm writing a newspaper for my neighborhood and I need some "green facts"




  1. See this link:

    and good lucK!

    I've gone from having to take back bags to the store every week or two to less than once a month!

  2. I believe both my personal actions and the fact that I share them make a difference. I consider myself pretty green, I do a lot to conserve energy, reduce the miles I drive my car (which I've owned a Prius for 6 years), I have detoxed my cleaning products, and beauty products. I eat mostly organic and local.

    I know that by talking about my choices I am helping others adopt changes that help the environment. My sister in law is a hairstylist, she just changed her entire retail line to an earth friendly product that is packaged in recycled plastic. I have a friend who just told me that he never really thought about how much energy he used and that he has adjusted his thermostat a few degrees and that he turns tha air off upstairs during the day. My sister is a purchasing agent for a electronics manufacturer, she has started purchasing recycled content products for her office. The list goes on. Everything we do has a consequences, including how we talk about our lifestyles.

  3. Recyling cans can save twocans. ANd reycleing any thing helps. REycle newspapers can help save trees wich means better air for the envorment.

  4. I hate to use the term but Hitler was only one person!  He had a vision, sick as it was. Can you spin that in to an award winning article?

  5. if you want to do something that can really be seen, instead of just having that warm fuzzy feeling that you're doing something good, try making a yard into a wildlife habitat for native animals, plants, etc. Just research what animals and plants live in the area and what kind of habitats they need - like a pond, bird houses, special grasses for nests, and stuff like that.

    You can also make your own compost and mulch from you garbage, and be really careful what you buy at the store so you don't make garbage that you can't either mulch or compost (like no metal cans, plastic, etc.).  If you don't make any garbage you'll really feel like you are making a difference.  You could do both together also.

    if its for your neighborhood, your whole neighborhood could be an urban wildlife refuge.  How cool is that?

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