
How can 4 soft-headed liberal(redundant) Judges on the Supreme Court ignore the Constitution?

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How can 4 soft-headed liberal(redundant) Judges on the Supreme Court ignore the Constitution?




  1. The great thing about the Constitution is that we have the right to change anything we don't agree with. Many Right Wing wacko Conservatives don't get that.

  2. In Marburry V Madison the Supreme Court anointed itself God. To this day there are days when they get it right, and there are days when they get it wrong. Today five got it right and 4 got it wrong. The 4 desired to uphold the ban just have a different view.The five who got it right do not believe in inventing new meaning to the Second Amendment, or any part of the Constitution.

  3. To shilo9i :

    I think YOU need to read the DC law. It banned ALL handguns. Thats more than a certain type. It also banned ALL rifles, not just a certain type.

    Any pre-1976 weapons had to be disassembled in the home.

    The act of moving a weapon from one room to another was illegal.

    DC has not issued a SINGLE permit since 1976. Not one.

    How do you fail to see a problem with that?

    Is Virginia the Cause of DC's Problems?

    Washington, D.C. has, perhaps, the most restrictive gun control laws in the country, and yet it has one of the highest murder rates in the nation.

    Critics claim criminals merely get their guns in Virginia where the laws are more relaxed. This, they argue, is why the D.C. gun ban is not working.

    Perhaps criminals do get their guns in Virginia, but this overlooks one point: If the availability of guns in Virginia is the root of D.C.'s problems, why does Virginia not have the same murder and crime rate as the District? Virginia is awash in guns and yet the murder rate is much, much lower. This holds true even for Virginia's urban areas, as seen by the following comparison on the 25-year anniversary of the DC gun ban (in 2001):

    City Murder rates: 25 years after DC's ban

    Washington, DC  46.4 per 100,0001

    Arlington, VA  2.1 per 100,0002  

    (Arlington is just across the river from D.C.)

    Total VA metropolitan area  6.1 per 100,0003

    Guns are not the problem. On the contrary, lax criminal penalties and laws that disarm the law-abiding are responsible for giving criminals a safer working environment

    The simple fact is, Vermont has NO gun laws and also has NO crime. States that have enacted pro gun concelaed carry laws have seen an immediate drop in crimes against persons.

    The UK has a total gun ban, yet crimes against people and property id FIVE times the US rate.

    DC's total gun ban proved nothing. Year after year it has the highest murder rate in the nation (along with LA, chicago, NY, Newark etc)

    Virginia, where any law abiding citizens can easily get a gun permit, has much, much lower crime than DC and thats an entire friggin' state! DC is a few square miles and has more murder and crime that entire states!! LOL.

    Oh, and to Matador, this opinion in no way changed the merely clarified what most people already knew for 232 years.

    Changing the constitution is a totaly different matter, even for left wing wack-a-do's.

    Its not just 4 justices who have soft heads.....

  4. We are nothing to our founding fathers.

    They were great men writing great texts.  Today we have small minded men quoting and writing obscure nonsense in order to turn us into a The Nanny State™.

    So weak, feeble, and pathetic.  It hurts me in the very depths of my soul.

    George Orwell saw it so clearly.

  5. Dude. We just got a victory in the highest court in the nation. Be happy. Smile, and shut up for now.

    (And buy ammo from Midway)

  6. When a federal bureaucrat is in a lifetime position LOOK OUT!  They feel invincible.  They are called to answer to no one.

    Matador, there is a proscribed method the changing the Constitution.  Read Article 5, if you can handle being proven wrong.

  7. Please explain how they ignored the Constitution.

    The law in question outlawed HANDGUNS only and did NOT remove the right to bear arms.  The Constitution (if you would bother to read it) does not specify between handguns and other weapons.  Never were the citizens in DC prevented from bearing arms or owning guns, only a certain type of gun.

    Perhaps you would like to actually READ the law in question and the opinions of the court before posting more unfounded opinion.

  8. the same way hard-headed conservatives do

    It's a duality of ineffeciency

  9. Because they think their ideas are better.

  10. They were probably paying back the four conservative judges who tried to "ignore the Constitution" in the Boumediene case.  :-)

    (Given their expectations that the US is now going to be flooded with skyscraper-demolishing terrorists thanks to Boumediene the conservatives probably figure the 2nd Amendment is all that stands between them and the End of Civilisation.)   :-)

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