
How can AGW believes say this?

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ok they say the just because January was a very cold month and that "deniers" say that it must show gw is not happening when they AGW say

thats Global warming is causing a early spring??

need proof

they say that recent data doesn't count "look at the overall trend" while you say that because spring was early this year and it shows GW is man made and we have doen it.




  1. Your question is answered in the article.  Try reading it.

    "The fingerprints of man-made climate change are evident in seasonal timing changes for thousands of species on Earth, according to dozens of studies and last year's authoritative report by the Nobel Prize-winning international climate scientists. More than 30 scientists told The Associated Press how global warming is affecting plants and animals at springtime across the country, in nearly every state.

    What's happening is so noticeable that scientists can track it from space. Satellites measuring when land turns green found that spring "green-up" is arriving eight hours earlier every year on average since 1982 north of the Mason-Dixon line. In much of Florida and southern Texas and Louisiana, the satellites show spring coming a tad later, and bizarrely, in a complicated way, global warming can explain that too, the scientists said.

    Biological timing is called phenology. Biological spring, which this year begins at 1:48 a.m. EDT Thursday, is based on the tilt of the Earth as it circles the sun. The federal government and some university scientists are so alarmed by the changes that last fall they created a National Phenology Network at the U.S. Geological Survey to monitor these changes."

  2. Those satellites can see green in the dark?  

    The piles are piling up at an alarming rate.  You gather one miniscule amount of data and keep adding and adding to it until everyone actually believes this stuff.  Wow, I am amazed at how much junk can be piled, that literally amounts to nothing.  

    To think it all began with Gore's lies of CO2 causing heat and his lie of endangered polar bears and his lie of that hockey stick graph that was quickly swept under the rug.

    I know that at night it is still very cold compared to the daytime, yet co2 retains heat for more than a day?


    Give a scientist a living wage and he will give you knowledge.  Give a scientist wealth and he will give you anything you want.

  3. Additional:

    -Norway records the hottest summer (2007) ever recorded in their history;

    -The famed Northwest Passage, is ice free for the first time in recorded history;

    -The glacier that feeds the Ganges River, has receded at 100' per year, verified since 1952;

    -The old ice, under the Antarctic, is slowly melting;

    -Dozens of species of frogs are dying off in Central America from minor increases in temperature.

    And so on and so on.

    Why even bother to debate it? You either believe there is a major restructuring of our climate or you don't.

    Those that accept the possibility, are executing plans to protect their families, against the worst case scenario.

    Those that don't, well....................................... luck.

  4. I agree with Dana, your question is answered directly in the article. Did you read it?

  5. You're confusing a long-term trend -- which is climate -- with a short-term fluctualtion -- which is weather.

    The article points out that over the last 30 years, spring has been getting earlier. And it has.

    January this year was cold, but only in the context of recent years. January of 2008 was the coldest January since 2001. But if you compare January of 2008 with the average January of the 20th century, it's still much warmer than that average.

    So yes, the long-term trend is still getting warmer. But that doesn't mean every year will set a record for warmth. There will still be year-to-year fluctuations. This year will be cooler than last because of a La Niña in the Pacific.

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