I'm thinking particularly about the APs of Stephanie Bennett's daughter Evelyn. There isn't a lot about this case in the media and everything I do know comes via adoption-related forums and blogs, so I'm not even sure if the APs are actually APs meaning I'm unsure the adoption is even final. I do know it's still in court and Stephanie and her parents are continuing the fight to get her back. As an AP I understand completely how it must feel to wait to be a mom, finally have it happen and then realize that the mom wants her child back. It must hurt like h**l. But so much of this case just screams dirty dealings and makes me wonder how the APs in this particular case can possibly enjoy being parents. Even if the ethical concerns don't keep them up at night, I would think that the very real possibility that they will lose and have to return her after 2+ years would be beyond stressful. It just seems all of this pain could have been avoided (particularly for Evelyn).