
How can African nations keep asking for more aid?

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South African President Thabo Mbeki plans to recognise Mugabe's re-election. This makes him as bad as Mugabe. How can African nations keep asking for more aid when they go on supporting dictators who are h**l bent on ruining their countries?




  1. Aid to African nations in the form of cash - is usually tied to some deal or other.  So that in fact aid from say UK in support of African country X = a good deal for UK because it means we get the lions share of the blue and yellow underground product that everyone wants, but which we will have the major share of etc.

    Next stage a mini trade-fair in which British bizz flies in booted and suited to meet the locals and scramble for profits etc.

    I'm not sure how much if any of the 'aid' actually reaches the poor.  In any case, that's not the purpose of aid to Africa as I understand it.  Okay, UK will send 'aid' in the form of a low interest loan payable back over 5,000 years at 2.5% plus said African country will agree to buy 20,000 brand spaking new UK built tractors for farms which don't yet exist but which will exist once the UK based logging co have cut down all the trees and ripped out the forests etc.

  2. The money is embezzled by their corrupt leaders !! The cute little starving kids you see on TV don't even see the money; some greedy b******s get it, so we are wasting our money on Africa. They need to learn to support themselves, and use Birth Control, NOT handouts !!

  3. Because they will get get it.

  4. Because they're all so corrupt, the whole continent is like a huge deer full of fleas and ticks sucking all the life from their citizens.

  5. It must be some kind of interactive reflex based on genetics as it is worldwide for centuries. I just wonder what would happen if it stopped.

  6. While there is a HUGE problem with corruption in africa, to say the heritage of africans is to not work is just wrong.

    They keep asking for aid because the people of africa need it. Unfortunately, it doesnt get to where its needed (the people) it goes to the corrupt politicians. its a vicious cycle. If the aid was put in the right places and the corrupt gov't was taken care of, and things like agriculture and infrastructure were focused on, they would have been self sufficient already

  7. Thats the Heritage of Africans  why work to move ahead when you can get it free.

    That was passed over to our country also

  8. To blame Western Nations for Africa's present problems is ludicrous, for over half a century different parts of Africa has lurched from one crisis to another whether it be War, Faminee, Disease, Corruption.

    Africa has been free, free to wage War, free to allow Famin, free to not treat Disease, free to Corrupt, these are Africa's new masters.

    Only when all the people of Africa begin to realise that their only way of becoming free of dictators, is to take personal                                 responsibility for their own actions.

  9. Because the misguided West keeps giving it! If people stopped and thought about all the Charity and fund raising concerts and events that have raised tens of millions of pounds, yet people are still starving, wouldn't you wonder where the money went? Mugabe lives a life of luxury whilst betraying his people both by being corrupt and committing genocide. The best thing that could happen in Africa and India is for us to re-colonise them and impose some order and build an infrastructure to alleviate the poverty and suffering of millions. Yesterdays 'election' was a farce and it's time some Western intervention deposed Mugabe and rounded up his murderous 'war veterans'.

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