
How can America stop the puppet democracy being run by CFR greed and control at the expense of the people?

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CFR = Council on Foreign Relations the organization started by John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan & Paul Warburg the same robber barons who manipulated the Wall Street Crash of 1929, to take control of printing US Dollars & regulating the the interest rate away from Congress and the US Treasury.

They also eliminated commidity backed currency "The Gold Standard" in favor of "FIAT" currency: Paper backed by NOTHING and appointed International Private Bankers in charge of controling American interest rates.

This was orchestrated to usurp power to their PRIVATELY owned "Federal" Reserve banking system that holds secret closed-door meeting where trancripts have a 5 year lag from the Gov't & the American people!

Why and WHO is America paying the interest to on our National debt....

CFR members include:

Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama

Rudy Giuliani

John McCain

Mitt Romney

Fred Thompson

Jim Gilmore

Newt Gingrich

John Edwards

Joe Biden

Chris Dodd

Bill Richardson




  1. Oh I love this.  Been seeing this one up for a couple of days, trying to come up with just the right answer.  First and foremost, know what this sounds like?  The Red Scare.  It's like saying that if you are a Catholic and elected to the presidency, you'll automatically go to the Pope for advice on politics.  This is utterly absurd.  You can be affiliated with a certain group on different terms.

    Why don't you talk about the fact that this organization is nonpartisan in an attempt to reunite the parties after all the distance they've gained under this president?  Or that it publishes a journal full of foreign relations facts that keep these people up to date on the world at large?  How about how it encourages debate among the leaders in politics and meetings among ourselves and foreign officials?  In fact, this is one of the few organizations that encourages policy debates among its constituents, so that we the people can actually understand their ideas for our country.  

    Having posted this so many times with only part of the story, you should be ashamed at what you left out.  Just like the Red Scare, you're creating an ideal that no one should join an organization just because some of the policies of that organization happen to be against your best interests.  Joining the Communist Party never meant that you allied yourself with Stalinist ideas, and neither does joining the CFR.

  2. My goodness you are a mad Republican. Yes, and who was the president before the Bushs'?  I certainly enjoyed being a democrat in Clinton's administration. I think other people did too.

    What are the lobbyist doing in the republican camp?

    Here's to the poor (money wise) democrats who need a very needed new president, that is a true democrat who believes in helping people.

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