
How can Americans SURVIVE without TIM HORTONS?

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Do American know what Tim Hortons is and how do they live without double doubles? I went to america and almost died!




  1. well I don't know what the h**l that is and I am doing just fine

  2. They really don't know what they're missing.  They have to make do with Starbucks' over-priced coffees, and Dunkin's oily, or Krispy Kreme's mostly air donuts.

  3. I'm managing okay, have never eaten at one.

  4. never heard of it so I guess I am living without  it. When I was in Ca I loved going to the in-n-out burger. Do not have them where I live but I can live without them

  5. If you want t double double that is really good, go to In-N-Out and you will forget about Tim Hortons.  And for a real treat, try the  4 by 4.

  6. well...uh, i don't go there. and i'm doing just fine.

  7. I can easily survive without it.

  8. Haha being an ex-timmies employee... Americans don't know what a double double or a triple triple is... I used to love tourists coming in because its so much different down there.. if you want iced tea here you have to say iced tea.. If you say tea you get hot tea. In the US, just tea is iced tea and if you want hot tea you ask for hot tea.

    Having worked there for so long, i can live without Tim Hortons. I never did really like the coffee, though it is super-cheap, and loaded with cafeine (most heavily caffinated beverage around.. a small has more cafeine than a red bull). I did like their donuts though. And timbits! And danishes too. And i've been craving a timmies chicken salad sandwich for awhile, or a bagel.

    But I actually prefer McDonalds coffee or coffee culture... if you haven't tried mcdonald's coffee, try it before you say its no good.

    And there actually are timmies in the US, there are just fewer.

    To Americans, Tim Hortons is the standard coffee shop in canada,,, on every corner, like... more than starbucks in the US. Its cheap, its super fast, theres nothing really fancy about it. Thats where you go when you need a massive amount of caffiene and you need it CHEAP and you need it NOW. You don't go there for a chai steamed latte with extra syrup or something like that. Its busy all day and an extra large coffee costs only around $1.50. Its fast food service but they usually have tables as well. You can get donuts, Timbits (donut holes), muffins, cookies, danishes, croissants, tea (HOT tea), ice caps (kind of like a basic less sugary frappucino.. none of the fancy extras), sandwiches, bagels, soup... its always busy, you dont have to do anything yourself like starbucks where you do cream and sugar yourself.

    and a double double means 2 creams 2 sugars. And believe me, 99% of people order a double double.

  9. Actually Tim Hortons has now opened stores in select American cities, and by the way Tim Horton's prices are cheaper in America, talk about unfair !

  10. well.............what is it?

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