
How can Americans morally be against gun control, with all the High School massacres over there ?

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America must be a sad, sad place where you hold dear the "right to bear arms" the expense of kids being safe at school ! Seriously you need to grow up ! If kids can't get access to a gun, than they can't go to school and blow each other away, can they !




  1. Gun control has nothing to do with high school shootings. Criminals don't follow gun laws, they only work with law abiding citizens.

  2. its a right assured by the 2nd amendment...nothing moral to it

  3. Wayne .. you and I are lucky that we live where we do ...

    and while I agree with you .. I can understand WHY people there DON'T want to alter their gun laws ...

    It's a vicious cycle .. :

    " I have a gun , because you MIGHT have a gun, because I MIGHT have a gun, because YOU might have a gun ..... "infinitum

    ALSO we have never had a war fought on our soil ..

    we don't have any predators ( ie mountain lions wolves bears)

    and we aren't as afraid of our fellow citizens....

    It is easy for us to sit back and roll our eyes when we see yet another high school or shopping mall shooting.. BUT there's a fair chance that IF you and I lived in the states .. we'd carry a gun too ...

    Perhaps though .. there is a loop hole in the ammendment THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS...

    ok have as many guns as you want .. BUT you can't have the ammunition to fire them.......

    i spent last night in the City .. I wandered around and  I wasn't afraid in the slightest ...because i KNEW it was unlikely anybody was packing a gun.

  4. Ignorance.. According to John Walsh of America's Most Wanted  TV show fame, there are 3000 children killed each year in the US by guns.....That is 30,000 every decade; not including those children that are crippled and maimed.  You try to figure it out.

  5. Yeah, and we hold the right to drive our motor vehicles dearly, too - despite the morons that keep running down children with 'em!

    P.S. No space before the exclamation mark.  You're welcome!  See?

  6. I'm Australian and I DON"T think America is a sad sad place and I don't think being rude progresses any discussion but I do think that making access to guns harder is proved to lessen gun related crime, just as requiring people to undertake drivers education and a test assists in lessening loonies on the road - I didn't say prevent!

    Does it matter who entered the war - any war - first, sadly as since WW2 there have been plenty more to go around.

    All the aggression and the moral superiority is what makes people/ countries think they are better, one over the other. We can all learn from each other and hopefully create a BETTER world for all of our children and a planet to be grateful for.

  7. making something illegal doesn't make it go away. If you really want a gun, legal or not, you can find a way to get one. Just like illegal drugs.

  8. you must be an idiot if you think that we should or would want to give up our right to bear arms, answer this if we give up our guns who will be in posession of them  here is the answer, government and  criminals, then when the criminal comes to your house how are you going to protect your family?  quit blaming guns and put the blame where it belongs ........the deranged person

  9. i do not care about the guns, i care more about the children that feel so alienated and angry that they come to the conclusion that killing someone will help them feel better.

    I find it interesting that teachers think that dominating and aggressively forcing children to conform to rigid standards of behavior "crushing artistic creativity" is the best method of teaching,,,

    i do not blame the parents for their stupidity and ignorance of the best ways to raise children as i do the teachers that are supposed to be educated.

  10. Oh yea, it's worked so well for other countries lol.  Tell ya what, keep your nose out of our business and next time you are in danger of being overrun by a socialist dictatorship we will keep our guns out of the equation and let you get smoked.  

    Australia... Ahhh, ok that's even better.  You were the ones pizzing your pants before MacArthur came and took over.  Your country was a hairsbreadth from being invaded.  Only because Nimitz skillfully played off of MacArthur's ego were the Japanese repulsed.  

    Australia was ill prepared you really should quit reading revisionist history.  Even the coast watchers owed a debt to Americans or they would never even have been taken seriously little less supplied.  Try again.  Oh wait, you said Australia right?  How's that crime rate there now?  Yea, thought so.

    As for the idiot blaming teachers he's obviously too ignorant of the state of education to give an informed opinion.  One of the biggest problems in schools is the power has been taken out of teachers hands and the parents have been told by these same morons that they aren't responsible either.  

    Kids are no longer punished because of the touchy feely ignorance of liberals.  Add that to the failures who call themselves parents, uncle in the case of columbine, and you have a society represented by people who refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions.

  11. Your question seems to imply that you think children are allowed to legally purchase guns here.  Given that that is not true, your argument makes no sense.  It's ALREADY against the law for those students to have guns, and yet they still manage to get them.

    The entire point of the United States is that we don't take away the rights of an entire nation of people just because a few bad apples abuse those rights.  We also have idiots that drive their cars drunk.  Should we take away the driving licenses of every American to make sure that doesn't happen?

    After all, people can't drive drunk if they can't get a car, can they?!

    And to be fair, it's only the idiots here that can't use logic to defend their position that use the 2nd amendment as their justification.  Obviously that's not what our framers meant when they put it in there.  At the time, they had no idea that someday you could keep a 44 under your pillow.  It was meant for militia purposes.  

    Please don't take the 2nd amendment junkies to be representative of those of us Americans that can actually formulate reasons for our opinions instead of misinterpreting our nation's constitution.

  12. You are making an assumption here that gun control automatically results in safer kids.  I can't answer your question, except to say that I do not share this assumption.

  13. Massacres are caused at high schools because of gun control, not despite it.

    There are strict gun control laws in every state of the union.

    Recently in Colorado, an armed member of a 7,000 member church stopped a massacre because she shot the attacker (who had several guns and one thousand rounds of ammo) with her privately owned, concealed weapon. If we had laws like in Europe, this man would have been able to kill all those people without anyone standing up to him.

  14. if guns disappeared....people would use lead pipes

    not the weapon....we should look at...

    but the anger....and where is this  coming from...

    Instead of blaming the kids....putting  more pressure on them...

    how about looking at the parents....society....the hypocritical life they are raised around.(they (the kids) are not stupid....they know when they are being lied to)...why don't we ever look at that....

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