
How can Bush say the economy is not in bad shape?

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Merrill Lynch & Co Inc last week estimated that a 2009 deficit topping $500 billion, combined with the government's normal financing operations, would require the Treasury to sell about $1 trillion in debt next year, a task they called "daunting."




  1. Well for Bush the economy isn't in bad shape....heck he's loaded.......just like Kerry, Kennedy, Clinton, Pelosi, Obama,

    Dodd,--im tired i can't give you all the names, shoot you know them as well as i do.....and the favors in the housing market

    talk about rubbing a big fat pig, with pork..thats what happened with the sweetheart deal Dodd and the other Crook got on there Properties.....disgusting, i want to puke

    in there faces.liars are cheats, and cheats are thiefs

  2. Because Republicans have no grip on reality.

    Just like global warming is a myth, and evolution is a theory, kind of like gravity.

  3. And pigs have wings.

  4. The same way Obama can say "It is not $4.00/gal gas that is the problem! It is the fact that the price went up so fast!"

  5. Ask the Do-nothing Democrat controlled congress what it is doing to help the economy?

    Peace through surrender!

    Victory through defeat!

    Socialists for Obama!

  6. LOL,

    because Bush knows that his term is almost out, so hes not worried!

  7. By lying, just as he has done for 7 &1/2 years.

  8. He's the master of denial.  We basically put a sleeping moron in office.

  9. Because Americans buy it and take it every time.  We impeached a president for getting a b-job, but we can't do that with "W".  I mean if "W" worked at a retail store and he was short this much $ at the end of the day, would he still have a job?  it seems so.

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