
How can China claim 2 B a great country if they have so many orphan girls?

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How can China claim 2 B a great country if they have so many orphan girls?




  1. I've never heard of this.

  2. And why do they abort so many of their female fetuses?

  3. Well, things are changing for the better in China. It is, after all, a different culture.

    The US let's its children die. Why don't they have health insurance? Little black kid dies of an abscessed tooth in Chicago. Does Cheney say, "So?" to that, too.

  4. Oh man......I shouldn't even answer this question. Looking at it is making my eyes sore


  5. meh... who cares... Angelina Jolie will adpot them all.

    This is a stupid question so it deserved a stupid answer :-)

  6. has china ever mentioned that they're a great country? nope

    no country is 'great', by the way. i'm a singaporean but i do not consider my country to be ' great' just because of our rapid economic dvplt or high standards of living. if there's ever a country that's 'great', it doesn't exist in this world.  

  7. First of all China's population is 1.3 billion people. Second of all CCP never claim itself a great country. Third you can not compare orphan girls CHINA vs orphan girls to Europe or America because there's a huge population difference.

  8. There're many orphaned boys too, I went to local orphanage once, the boy to girl ratio is close to 1:1, why don't you adopt boys  but only girls?....95% Chinese orphans adopted by Americans are girl, what about those poor boys?

    To my knowledge, girls can be "pets", boys can't....I don't know who started this, but after the earthquake, it seemed like Chinese couples prefer adopting girls too, If you ask me, I would've adopted girl, girl is easier to raise, and I don't need to spend million dollars to buy house for him when he get married.

    Oh I forgot to tell you, I live in a city which has 8 million population , yet the orphans are less than 600 (in orphanages, doesn't count those adopted by relatives). The entire mainland China has 530,000 orphans in total living in orphanages, compared to the population of China, it's just a small number.

  9. China can claim to be a great country because it has 9,326,410 km²


  10. I don't think China is trying to claim to be a great country, it is working hard to improve its own people's life, and other social problems. Evey country has its ups and downs, China was great at point in history, but the west caught up to that, and now China is trying to catch up to the west.

    To answer your answer, you have to look at China from a cultural perspective. If you look closely to the Chinese history, boys have always been valued more, since they can carry on their family's surname, help their families in various ways, and the inequality in viewing girls has always been there because they are marrying into another family when they grow up. So as a result of this, there has been a lot of orphan girls in China because many families, especially the ones who are living in the country side (depends on boys to do farm work), simply wants boys.  

    But as China is becoming a much more modernized country, this value has changed dramatically. More people has moved from country side to the city, so it is not necessary to have a boy to do farm work. Now the boys:girls ratio is approaching to one, and according to some predictions by the experts in China, this ratio will approach to approximately of one in the year of 2050.    

  11. Tamahome, you posted a great answer to a stupid question.

  12. I don't think China does claim to be a great country. They may well claim to be one of oldest countries, but not the greatest.

    Like wise I can say why does the USA claim to be a great country then it is making orphans in it wars.....

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