
How can Chinese be physically distinguished from Japanese?

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How can Chinese be physically distinguished from Japanese?




  1. they can't be. why would you want to? why don't you just ask some one where they are from insted of trying to guess thingds from just looking at them. you will make more friends if you talk to  people and find out where they are from then you will if you just try to guess.

    Good luck with what ever you are trying to acomplish...

  2. j**s r usually taller, writes in curves instead of straight cut lines.!

  3. Japanese did interbreed slightly with the native Ainu but are essentially the same people as the Chinese.  Eskimos share a recent common heritage as do Navajo.  There are two types, Sinodonts and Sundadonts.  Sinodonts literally means Chinese teeth and they are distinguished from other Orientals by their teeth. Sinodonts are mostly from Northern China and Korea.  Sundadonts do not have the same teeth features of Sinodonts and comprise most of the rest of the Orientals.  Sinodonts came from the Himalaya and probably developed many of their distinctive physical and cultural features in the very tough, cold and intense sun, of the upper Himalaya. The Sundadonts may very well have too at an earlier time a few thousand years ago.  Sinodonts are apparently an offshoot of the Sundadonts.  I can almost always spot a Japanese by their clothes which have a distinctive style.  My wife is chinese (sundadont (though I never tell her that) and she is mistaken for Vietnamese all the time.

  4. They can't. Even asians can't always distinguish them. Sometimes there are some characteristics for a minority of people in those countries so you can tell where they are from, but no way can u distinguish all japanese (or even a majority) from all chinese.

  5. remember that old saying chinese ,,, Japanese... dirty knees look at these.... okay the eye struv=cture is differnt japanesse are sword warriors who's facial structure is usally more rounded and eye's

    Japanese are from Japan, and the Chinese are from china. Two different countries. Two different cultures. Different languages. The list goes on.

    Of course there is. Just because they are both Asian doesn't mean they are the same. They have different cultures, language, and beliefs.

    I see the Chinese as more of a political power and the Japanese as more of a cultural power.

      The Japanese impress me with their honesty and good manners. The Chinese because of their cleverness ,and fantastic history, also the cusine. The Japanese are alway's bowing and have giesha girl's ...... and Japan is more old school they try so hard to keep there tradition but japan is more modernized .... there gov...just want's to be know as the richest country which is pretty accurated but over populated .... the chinese are only allowed to have 2 children and usually if a girl .,,, the girl is killed or left in the field's as an orphan..... because the son's take care of the family....

  6. Only a very good cultural antropologist could tell. I went to college with both and they told me they can't tell the difference.

  7. By understanding them?  Depends also which part of China you're interested in.  I have had the pleasure of knowing Chinese and Japanese people and they're all individuals.

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