
How can European people automatically tell I'm American?!?

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I've been touring here Germany for 2 weeks, and I'm noticing something peculiar...say I'm in a store, and I see a cashier talking to someone in German, right? Then when I go up, she'll say "How are you today?" or "My English not very good, hope you understand me still." I've also been asked a number of times "Are you from America?" even though I said nothing at all!

How do people tell right off the bat that I'm an American?!? It's not like I walk around with an American flag patch on my sleeve! I'm pretty baffled!!!




  1. There are such things known as stereotypes, and they play a big role in people's ability to guess your origins. Some facial features and body types are characteristic of certain nationalities. There's also attitude and mannerism. Perhaps all of these put together help people place you rightly to your place of origin.

    But you are very wrong if you think a backpack is anywhere in the neighbourhood of being rich; on the contrary. It's associated with low budget travellers.

  2. Not sure.  It may be your clothes, etc. However, the differences in dress are not as great as they once were.

    Younger Americans do tend to dress in an inappropriately casual  manner, and that includes wearing shorts when not engaged in an activity like hiking. Do you wear white socks and/or white sneakers with regular clothing?  That would do it.

    Note that I am an American, don't pretend to be otherwise, and wear my regular USA clothing (equiv. of polo shirt, khaki trousers, black socks + real shoes) when in Europe.  I am normally assumed to be German in Germany, French in France, and English in the UK.

  3. Do you chew gum with your mouth open?  Wear a baseball cap?  Dress in sweats, running shoes, hiking boots?  I've also heard some German friends say American men often look like very large little boys, and smile easily.  You should ask people, "How did you know where I'm from by looking at me" and see how thye answer.  It'd be interesting to know.

  4. I don't know what it is that tips them off but I guess every American comes with an "air" of American around them. :-) No seriously, Europe is so Americanized. Europeans follow every single one of the American top TV shows and movies so they basically see Americans every day. Perhaps that's why. I don't know.

    Europeans use to say that all Americans wear jeans and white sneakers when they're off work. :-) So perhaps if you were wearing the American outfit....   :-)

  5. people from america act different. its our culture. theres not much u can do about it so just dont worry. its like you can tell someones form russia or something here. plus europeans tend to pay more ATTENTION than americans do....

  6. Your accent ??

    The way You act??

    The ammount of coffee you drink lol ??

  7. Post a picture in your avatar and we'll tell you.

  8. It is no one thing.

    It is the way you walk. The way you come up to people and start talking, your clothes, your posture, the way you sit at a dinner table, use a knife and fork. The way you meet up with or address a perfect stranger.Europeans are very standoffish and formal with people they haven't been formally introduced to. In fact in Britain(I don't know about the Continent) at almost all levels of society you need a formal introduction from a mutual acqaintance to be accepted.In most european languages there is a formal and informal grammar. The informal for relatives and very close friends. Formal for all others. Sie and du in German, vous and tu in French for example. It is a real social no no to use the wrong one.

    In getting on a subway car in London my wife and I had a terrible problem with our luggage getting through the door. A car load of people sat, completely  motionless and expressionless, and watched us struggle until we managed ourselves. In the states, even in New York, a swarm of people would have surrounded us  to help.

  9. attitude and clothing

  10. Your dress. It is a dead give-away. The cut of US-tops is different (more loose-fitting), especially when you are a bit on the pudgy side. (No offence meant). White tennis shoes and tight shorts are also very telling where you are from, nobody wears such things in Europe.

    Females from North America also have this tendency to wear hues of brown or other earthy colours (mustard yellow, yikes!) while Europeans go for very bright and clear colours. (Which American women past 45 would wear her hair dyed pitch black with tiny lilac, red and pink highlights?)

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