
How can George Bush condemn Russia's response to the Georgia problem?

by Guest62451  |  earlier

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I believe his words were to the effect that "Russia has invaded a sovereign nation and this is unacceptable in the 21st century." Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?




  1. bush's idea of the iraq situation is that we are trying to help them establish their own stable, independent government. once they have stability, we leave. were only there to hold their hands along the way.

    whats happening with georgia is that russia wants to invade, dissolve their government, and call it a part of russia. when theyre done, it will be just like china and tibet.

    the difference here is intent. one is taking your friends rubix cube, showing them how to solve it, and giving it back so they can do it. the other is taking their rubix cube and proclaiming 'I AM THE RUBIX CUBE MASTER ONLY I MAY KNOW THE SECRET' and running away with it.

  2. He just did. End of story Georgia lost Russian gain nothing.

  3. No it's not. Russia is the one condemning Georgia! Georgia has been their own country for so long. They have been the peace makers. The Prime Minister of Russia is the one who decided to go on a power struck war because they want Georgia back. In fact Russia wants all the land back, including ours. Georgia said what the F are you doing??? What is wrong with you??? President Bush said the same thing. They don't want what ever is on the same side of the US. Everything that is involved with the US as far as alies goes, are targeted for war now.

    The Prime Minister of Russia believes in communism to it's fullest. That is not what Georgia is about (and no I am not speaking of the state).  

  4. LOL just a little bit.

    As a Canadian, I am curious... was it not our Southern neighbours who were founded in glorious revolution, overthrowing monarchy for home rule and since then have embraced their rights to bear arms, pray, etc...

    Huh. Like what Iran did, kicking out the Shah. Good for them, then, emulating the American Way and embracing a theocracy.

    Or, no, wait, they are humanitarians who are in Iraq to make sure everyone gets a democracy and freedom and medical care.

    Huh. Which is why they are also in Africa, saving the Rwandans from each other and stamping out AIDS.

    Or, no, wait, it is none of their business how foreign nations act within their own borders, let them sink or swim alone.

    Huh. Which is why Cuba can do whatever.

    I have a headache...

  5. That's called being a hypocrite.

  6. Well i do not like Bush but i think he what he is saying that it was a peaceful nation and Russian had not reason to invade it. America went to Iraq and Afganistan because of terrorist, oil and all of that. I think Russian and Georgia and America and Iraq are very different.

  7. USA is just searching for the reason to attack Russia,  moreover, it's the same situation as 11th September and Iraq. Oil is the answer.

  8. The United Nations and our Congress were led to believe that Iraq and Afganastan were developing WMDs and training terrorosts.

    Hitler in 1937 invaded a country to protect the Germans living there.  I think it was Poland or Chezslovokia  

  9. You're right. Which is why the U.S. can't really do much besides slap them on the wrist for doing this.

    It's a shame, really. We used to have a good rep.

  10. not at all, this is why. the US is fighting "terror" IN Iraq, we are not actually fighting Iraq. my 2 cents

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