
How can God, Allah or any Omnipotent being exist? “read below’?

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Because if they are all powerful (omnipotent). Then could they create a rock that is to heavy for them self to pick up?

if no, then that is something they cannot do.

if yes then that to they cannot do, that is pick up the rock up.




  1. being omnipotent is both yes AND no.

  2. Ah.. the some o' I-think-you-r-so-traped-in-the -corner-by-me question type.

    Will firstly you have to know that the comprehension of God existence is so beyond our brain, mind and consuous capability. Who do you think you are? You so tiny comparing with this whole universe with all its beauty, magnificence and wonders and you still think it is the coincedance that made everything up, EVERYTHING, and just in case we pass through this point, we will see that the continuation of this whole proces - the universe - with all it sup-sections cannot maintain untill this point of time without any control and monitoring and ask any engineer or scientist or even a man of logic and he will tell you the same, something with intelligence should be there in order for a system to continue operating.

    Your question is on the same level with that of a puzzle question where someone should be punished with a crime and the criminal can say one sentence before his death, if it is true he will be hanged and if it is fales he should be burned to death. The criminal simply said: "I'll be burned to death", right now if the sentence is fales he will be carried to the fire but this will make the sentence true and he should be hanged but again it will be fales and goes on..

    It is the limitation of our mental capacity that made us think this way so don't think that a silly question like this can prevail all the evidance about God existence. For God sake you're existence already the evidance of His mighty, can't you see.

  3. No understand,sorry

  4. sure. they can do anything they want. They can throw the rock at you if they wanted to.

  5. Whoever you believe in, God or Allah or somethin else, they created our brains to not be able to figure out that question.  our brains are created, or were taught, to think that there's a rational answer to every quesion, but there isn't.  I believe in God, and he created us humans to not be able to even begin to imagine the answers of questions like that.  for example, its hard to imagine the universe being unending, isn't it?  well God put limitations on our brains so we would not be able to imagine it.  get what im saying?  can't really find my words here :)

  6. The 'problem' actually lies in the fact that we have limited language. One can very easily create, through word excercises wonderl little puzzles and paradoxes, but that's all that they are.

    For instance I can say that God is both knowable, and unknowable. Seeming something that contradicts the law of the excluded middle. However that I know of God makes God knowable, but that I can't fully know everything about God makes him ultimately beyond knowing, and therefore unknowable.

    I can come up with other 'puzzles' like you did such as "Can God become something other than himself?"

    But they're just word puzzles.

  7. No one knows anything. People just have beliefs. I have opinions but I don't really think about it.

  8. I thought of an interesting concept about God. I don't believe in my idea but I still think it is interesting. God is the universe and being the universe it can be at every place at one time like it says in the bible, God can do what it wants in the universe because it is the universe. I can see it doesn't fully answer your question about the big **** heavy rock but think of this why in the h**l would god want to make such a ridiculous rock? I think if God existed it would have a bit of common sense.

    If any one is interested I've been baptised Catholic but I am Agnostic but I don't really care if God does or doesn't exist.

    I see what you are saying Evan.

  9. well a belief in a god and a dollar Will get you a ride on a bus

  10. do you not realise how many times this question has been posted??

    It doesnt limit his power that he can't do it. There is just guide lines. If they were to create a rock like that it would make the rock more powerful than them and thus making hte rock God. And either way it makes somehting they cant do. If he can make it then he isnt all powerful b/c he cant lift the rock and if he cant then he isnt all powerful b/c he couldnt make the rock its a stupid question

  11. i just believe i refuse to accept that i was a fish or a monkey

  12. That was freaking trippy hahaha

  13. god have the power because he is the mind, he is powerful by using mind you can create whatever you want you can destroy things and as you said pick up a rock.

    we are illusion, nothing exist everything is illusion...

  14. God's omnipotence is a catagory that indicates that God is not dependent on any other reality for his existence, thus the infinite, qualitative difference between a finite, human nature and the divine nature.  Omnipotence does not indicate God's capacity to do whatever God wants-- God acts in accord with his essential nature, and to act contrary to that nature-- well, then God would not be God.  There is an excellent book that helps believers and non-believers to understand how folks think about the existence and nature of God by the philosopher Mortimer Adler entitled "How to Think About God."  You might want to give it a read.  It will help you to clarify your ideas and save you the trouble of making philosophically spurious assertions.

  15. I'm gonna treat this like a logic problem, and not any real attempt at religious scholarship because, really?

    It's a pretty simple logical contradiction. If God's all-powerful then nothing can stop him. Something unstoppable and something immovable can't exist in the same logical system. The fact that you can ask the question is itself a misuse of language. But no one said language is perfect.

    So if you're actually asking for a religious reason, then you have to ask whether or not God is bound by logic. And there's really no way to find that out through reason.

  16. omnipotent is a concept that man has invented so the idea that it entails illogical actions such as the rock you describe is purely subjective.

    To some, god is still limited by logic, so he can't make a circular square, or a rock like that.  To others, he is not so limited.  It's all subjective

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