
How can God NOT be real? 2?

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Here is what i had the first time:

Existence -- to have actual being; be

How did the universe come about? ...How does it exist without something else giving it existence?

How can there not be a God if we exist?

Many came back at me with the big bang theory; many called me an idiot for even asking. Thanks to you all, atheism looks a whole lot less friendly for shutting my questions down in my face.

I am actually curious as to how the universe came into being?

Ignoring God for the moment.

Please, tell me how an atom or molecule or element even came into existence so that the big bang theory could be true? I can believe in the big bang theory. I understand that. I'm not stupid...i took science classes...but my question is simply this:

How can there BE anything at all....molecules, elements, the most basic pieces of matter...without something else to put it there.




  1. Well something is there, call it what you will. That doesn't mean its a giant white guy with a beard watching over everyone.

  2. if everything that exists needs something else that exists to cause it, then why doesnt god also need something else to cause it. saying "well hes god" doesnt cut it.

    at the start of the universe a small, hot, dense, point in space made of energy expanded. skipping a lot of technical stuff for your sake, eventually it got cool enough for energy to form particles, and gain mass (been done in laboratories, dont argue it). the first particles created were quarks and electrons. eventually it got cool enough for quarks to bond together via the strong force, to form neutrons and protons. once it cooled down more electrons began to orbit nuclei.

    that left out a lot, like the unified forces, the higgs mechanism, all that. ask another question if you want a really detailed answer, or just email me.

  3. This is an interesting argument. I'll accept your point; physical matter cannot exist without something putting it there, on the basis that nothing can be without something putting it there. So we have God, and God created the earth. To state the problem bluntly, where did God come from? Some explanations:

    -God is not material, she doesn't have to come from anywhere, she just is. Naturally this argument works just fine, but it's a hard case to make that God can just be and physical matter cannot. It's an absurd concept that something can just be, but God is not a solution, just a rephrasing of this problem.

    -Assuming the above point fails, let's assume God just is. By creating the physical world, we would have to grant that God has in her 'imagination' (or what have you) all the properties of the world she is about to create. Furthermore, these ideas, blueprints for the world if you will, are either created by God from nothing or were created parallel with God (that is they have always been). The first option is viable only if you accept that God is not omnipotent, else she would not have to invent new concepts. The second option entails that pretty much the essence of the physical world would have to be created from nothing anyways, along with God.

    -Assuming both points fail, we can always fall back on good old skepticism. It's hard for anyone to claim they can comprehend how something is created from nothing (or 'just is'). Thus, not knowing the phenomenon precisely, why should it be that God 'just existing' is more valid than the material 'just existing?'

    I'm not trying to say that God does not exist. I'm only reasserting what we've all been told since forever (and none of us really accept I think), namely that there doesn't exist a proof one way or another; that being a jab at atheists as much as anybody else.

    Anyways, I hope your question wasn't rhetorical, and I hope my answer was somewhat useful.

  4. You, and some others who have answered, have taken the approach, "God must exist because I can't imagine it any other way." When someone who knows relatively little about science says that, I think you can see the weakness of the position from a rational point of view.  However hard it might be for you to imagine simple matter and energy emerging from nothing, I think it is a lot harder to imagine something like a god emerging from nothing, especially when there has never been one shred of evidence that such a being exists.

    It is possible for God to NOT be real, just as it's possible for Santa Claus to NOT be real.

  5. Why is it concievable to believe that the universe could be created but God doesn't need to be? If the universe is vast and complex, and surely needs a creator, does it not stand to logic that God would be even more vast and complex than the universe? What sort of logic is it that vast and complex can not rise spontaneously and needs the creation of something more vast and more complex?  Wouldn't more vast and more complex need a creator too? So where does God come from? Now take your answer to that question, and ask yourself why it works for God and not for the universe...

  6. that, is a pretty d**n good question. we can only know, when we die. that is when you learn the truth about everything so you have to wait until you die to find out. dont kill yourself cuz that would be stupid as know.

  7. Totally commendable question that can only be answered with another, ask the same question about God.

    How did God come to be? It is just the same as your question of how the universe came to be. Both are just theories and that is all they will ever be. We will never be able to 100% prove either.

  8. I'm a catholic but I understand where your coming from, but if god made everything then who put god there? Then Who put the person who put god there? so on so on...

  9. Then how can there be a God?  How can God exist without having been created?  It's the same question as yours, if your are open-minded enough to realize it.

    That said, I do not begrudge your beliefs.  I completely agree with questioning what was there before the Big Bang. (Where did the energy/matter come from?)  In fact, many astronomers believe God played a role in the Big Bang...though, of course, you'll never see a scientific paper claiming that.  It might seem logical to many athiests that most astronomers are also athiests, but they would be wrong.

    Personally, I have no desires to comprehend how the universe came to be.  I think it is the ultimate in human vanity to think we are capable of answering that question, either through religion or science.

  10. i believe in god but not hardcore ya dig

    i dont read the bible

    i just believe someone's out there..

    god was created by some person A LONG time ago..

    god never existed .. some person made this up to tell stories a long time ago like that Zues and the lightning stuff...

  11. Science operates on the assumption that the universe works on its own; no magic, no miracles.

    Adding a Creator to the mix is entirely unnecessary and without evidence.

  12. If you don't think a simple atom could just appear how can you believe that an all powerful being could just appear.?

    Who put God there?

  13. where did god come from?  There's always an exception made for him.  WHich means the answer for a xian to where did it ALL come from is "magic".  Not much better?

    Also, we only found out about the big bang around 80 years ago.  You are basically saying now, if we haven't figured out the source of ALL things by 80 years.... it must be god.

    Isn't that a littly silly?

  14. Right now, all over the Universe, pairs of particles come into being spontaneously. They borrow energy from the vacuum, are created, travel a short distance, then collide and destroy each other. The energy debt to the vacuum is paid. This is proven science - Google 'Casimir plates' to see the experiment that proved it.

    If particles can come into existence all the time, it's only a short step to imagine the entire Universe came into being the same way - borrowing energy to be repaid at the end. No need for a God or anything 'before' to call it into being. It just started all by itself.

  15. You are stating a variation of what philosophers call the Ontological Proof of the Existence of God, which in its most succinct form is stated, "God is that than which no one can conceive of any higher being."

    The best-known writings on the Ontological Proof are the works of a monk named St. Anselm.  Try an Internet search on "St. Anselm."

    Good luck

  16. your absolutly right how can there not be a God.

    and well do you really believe that out of the blue things came to be?

    i mean look at us and animals

    we are both complex beings that need to have been formed

    if you still dont believe tell me this how can a bang create a camplex structure that has a neurological system and many another systems that even the most brilliant scientists combined could not make?

    there has to be a being that can do this and that can only be explained as God.

    and well talk to him (pray, this can be like talking to your friend cause thats what he is) and tell him you want to believe in him and to guide you into knowing what is right and wrong

    but you have to be commited to him

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