
How can Gordon Brown hand out another 30 million pounds ?.?

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Just yesterday, to the Palestinians. Only a couple of weeks ago he was handing out an EXTRA 10 million to the Ethiopians. Every time he goes abroad it costs us all a packet. Last week he was trying to fix the books in order to borrow Billions to dig himself out of the mess he has caused. This week he is giving away what he obviuosly has not got. Is there nobody out there that can reign him in or better still kick him out.




  1. And we in the UK are in recession, what a clever chap he is, has he never heard of charity beginning at home

  2. You know those increase in tax etc - well..........................

  3. Knowing Labour's habit of announcing funding ten times, this money has probably been allocated to the Overseas Aid Budget for ages, so it is not new money.

    With Iran threatening to develop a nuclear capability, we need all the friends in the Middle East we can get!

  4. Well said, giving tax payers money away is not the way forward when we are heading towards a recession.

    Who will give money to UK when we are all living below the poverty line?


    Also remember it's not his money, it's ours!!!  I bet he's a real tight a**e when it comes to spending his own.  LOL

  5. The sooner they put him back in broadmoor the better.

  6. Yeahh were not exactly in the best financial state ourselves are we???

    The sooner someone runs him over the better.

  7. So, you grudge 50p to a destitute country?

    Shame on you.

  8. The 30 million pounds is a loan!!

    The palestinians will have to pay it back with a extremely high interest rate.

    So we will get our money back with a really high return probably 200 million pounds.

  9. why not ?/ better in the pocket of the palestinians than fraudulently taken by corrupt polititians. and anyway, weve done enough damage to the palestinian people by supporting the us governments funding of arms to israel.

  10. Gordy wants to impress the foreigners that Britain is a world power in military and economic terms. Like Blair, he knows that he is increasingly unpopular back home, so he wants to act the international statesman and strut the world stage so that one day he can read in the papers of his jaunts abroad. All these, of course, at our expense. Someone should say to him, 'It's the home front, stupid'.

    As for funding his largesse, he will either have to borrow or tax us more. Does he care? Not very much. He knows that it will be up to the next govt (probably Tory) to raise the money. If they are landed with a big national debt, so much the better. He is looking forward to the discomfiture of Cameroon (rhymes with macaroon). If the Tories have to raise tax, that will make them unpopular and Gordy and his Darling will have a jolly time laughing all the way to their fat pensions which are inflation-proof. But don't expect the next lot to be better. Those foolish enough to expect such things were bitterly disappointed by New Labour. Don't be fooled again. Emigrate.

  11. Pathetic! That's the (New) Labour Party for you, throwing money at things assuming it will turn out good the situation.

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