
How can Greenpeace be against nuclear power?!?

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I heard they they dont like the idea that finland has lots of Nuclear power plants?

They are fighting against themselfs, they want to save the earth but then they say one of the best reusable resources is wrong?

Yes Accidents happen, but a plane crash can cause just as much death as a Nuclear accident. And the Nuclear waste is much les dangerous then all the Co2 the power palnts are pumping into the atmosphere!




  1. You hope the waste is less dangerous.

    It is not so. Nuclear accidents happen, avoidable with other technologies. You hope we all forget Chernobyl and Three Mile Island?

    What will you do with all these megawatts? Power your underground cities, keeping in readiness for the attacks sure to come as a result of the deplorable strategies and policies of imperialist expansion and greed! Unless you read for understanding you will think Nuclear power is a clean energy source. It is at the heart of the weapons of mass destruction programs, and it is getting ever more unstable. The government can't ensure your personal data is secure, why would you expect the military or government to secure this lethal carcinogen for hundreds of generations?

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with you. This search for the perfect world is absolutely ridiculous.

    Religious freaks want to get rid of g**s and every "sinner", Communists and Socialists want to do away with every "injustice" the capitalist society is responsible for, Capitalists want to entire planet and its resources to themselves, and enviromentalists wouldn't mind if we went back to a time when we quietly burned our own lanterns at night.

    I'd say that if the French can run nuclear reactors without any problems then anyone else can do the same. Even the Arabs are going nuclear.

    It is, after all, the cheapest and cleanest way to get electricity.

  3. What is so good about Nuclear Power? What are you going to do with the waste? does Nuclear Power help you as an individual?

    It doesn't me, I'm not part of the 20% that own 80% of the wealth.....I wish we could go back to the horse and buggy days.

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