
How can Hillary get 69% of the rest of the delegates that she needs? What is the point of her staying in?

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How can Hillary get 69% of the rest of the delegates that she needs? What is the point of her staying in?




  1. She would have already had the nomination if Florida and Michigan counted.

    I'm afraid she doesn't have a chance the way things are.  And I'm also afraid that Americans are going to have a rude awakening if Obama gets elected.  Oh, we're gonna have "change" all right.  But I think not in a good way at all.  His charisma won't go very far to fill in the blanks of his experience, (he's a JUNIOR senator, in his first or is it his second term), and his non-patriotic wife, (she was proud to be an American for the FIRST time in her adult life because of his running for prez)  Good going America.  Your lack of brains (see 8 years Bush adminstration that America voted for) is gonna do it again.

  2. There is no way she will get the delegates so she should retire gracefully from the race right now for the sake of the democratic party.

  3. her ego.

  4. So close to the end, but so far from the final! Seems she can't make it and must make a honorable exit!

  5. seems rather delusional, part of the "comeback kid" gimmick but it is time to turn our attention to the real enemy bush, bush like candidates, bush supporters, the bush era, bush thinking, bush products, bush scents and aromas, bush auras, anything bush or mcbush needs to erradicated from the planet and beyond (no star wars either)

  6. meso put candy on a stick

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