
How can I, German, residing in Germany open a bank account in UK?

by Guest64926  |  earlier

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How can I, German, residing in Germany open a bank account in UK?




  1. Almost impossible. The laws against money laundering have gotten very strict over the last few years, no bank in the UK would give a non-resident an account unless they were seriously seriously rich, and something was set up just for you, even residents have a hard time opening accounts sometimes.

    If it is absolutely essential that you have a UK bank account contact a solicitor to create a trust here, and have the trust opent the account. Expensive and complicated.

    If you want a UK account to have a pound stirling account, consider having an offshore account in the channel islands, or the isle of man. Stilring is still the currency, but they are removed from the control of UK banking regs.

  2. you do need to have a fixed address, usually for a minimum period of around three months, be it rented or bought, and a current valid passport. you should then be able to open a current account....

  3. As far as I know, unless you are very rich you cant. You will need an address in the UK.

    Relitive, friend co or worker that trusts you maybe?

  4. Firstly, providing that you had a German Passport, it shouldn't be a problem regarding identification.

    I don't know whether UK banks will accept a German Postal Address, but if not, it is always possible to use a "mail box" service (e.g., instead

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