
How can I, get him to make up his mind for my sake.?

by  |  earlier

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I have this friend, last weekend I invited myself to his house. he seemed ok about it and all, then on he last minute he pulls out to be with his girlfriend (he's married by the way) and his other best friend okay fine by me, as if I hadn't seen enough he lies to me that he wasn't feeling well, as a man I let it just pass.

strike 2. he invites me to his house to make up for the last week, I pack my suitcase, after work he decides he needs to go home first ,but he would come ack for me after 6. I call him on the dot he tells me hes at home. I felt so betrayed. the next day he doesn't call, and the day after,and the day after, then he comes back lying how he got caught up.

ottom line is I don't care who he fuks. I just don't like being kept hanging by liars.

and if he's sick and tired of me I want im to say so.

I'm asking for help because this is a guy I consider a friend




  1. Don't wait for this guy to make up his mind. He isn't going to.  Make up your mind on what to do about him.

  2. You're a guy, too, right? I'd stop contacting him. Let him make the next move. If he does, make him be the one to go out on a limb. For example, have him come to your place so that you don't have to worry about packing and then being mislead again. Honestly, this friendship sounds like it's on the rocks. Maybe re-evaluate why you want this person as a friend. If it's someone you've known for many years, you might be clinging to the past and not wanting to see the present (his flakiness and unfriendliness).

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