
How can I'll be good in playing basketball?

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14 yrs of age, turning 15 on september...

has something like 5'3"-5'5" height(an estimation only)

has 47 kilos weight...

a very slim man...

im at 4th yr high school

i didn't have ANY experience being in the court in games like junior leagues, street tournaments etc.

but i have some knowledge with Bball[i watch NBA and PBA(Philippine Basketball Association), play NBA Lives, and have much interest with them..]

so what would be some useful tips for me?




  1. My advice would be to work on you jump shot.  Try to make yourself a jumpshooter.  A good way to perfect you jump shot is to lay on your back and shoot the ball upward, as if shooting a shot.  Do this for about 1/2 an hour a day.  What is does it strengthen your arms for shooting and make you not rely on your legs for shooting.

  2. study the fundmetal skill of basketball and keep practing

  3. Always know what kind of player you are, that means if you are your size, don't go posting up on 6'5'' guys.  THe most important thing in basketball is the fundamentals.  It is very rare that a player gets good by just watching others play.  He needs to develop skill through out practice.  Also, remain relaxed on the court and drible with your eyes up.  Most importantly, play  defense and always take a shot that you think you can make 70% of the time

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