
How can I Become a Better Basketball player?

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i am almost 6ft tall and weigh 160 lbs. iam am 13 and will be 14 soon. i Really need to get stronger and improve my game. i have only been playing from 7th grade but i beileve i m called to do this. i will sign up to go to the gym when i turn 14 (in december 29). should i take protein tablets and work out?? i need to get better for high school. Help me out. thanks:)




  1. Instructions

    Difficulty: Moderately Challenging


    Conduct as many flexibility exercises as possible. Basketball is a game of fluid and intricate movements. In order to execute those movements correctly a basketball player must be as flexible as possible.


    Understand body angles and positioning. Basketball is much more than who can jump the highest or run the fastest. It is a sport based on besting the other players on the court by whatever means necessary within the rules. If a player understands how to gain proper body position for a shot, on defense or a rebound, they can best a more physically talented player.


    Practice the fundamentals of the sport as often as time allows. It sounds cliché but practice in this case does make perfect. A basketball player should concentrate on the fundamentals first. Items such as proper footwork on defense, effective rebounding techniques and the correct shooting mechanics are the basis on which a good basketball player builds their game.


    Realize where the other players are on the court at all times. Many times a player will concentrate only on their responsibilities and ignore what the other players on the court are doing. A player that is aware of the entire court becomes a better player. Basketball is an intricate combination of a team and individual sport. The good players learn to balance both when playing the sport.


    Work on improving your overall basketball skills with both hands. Often a player will only use her dominant hand to dribble and score the basketball. This essentially reduces her arsenal by half if she doesn't use both hands efficiently in basketball.

    And continue to always practice

    Good Luck!

  2. wow wow ur not in bad shap ur good no need to go to tablets just run and do some situps and pushups BUT DO NOT DO WEIGHTS it stops ur growth by a little and if ur hungry or ur thirsty try and make some fruit smoothies BUT but some yogurt in it and not that tasty yogurt the one that comes from cows that u use for dip on chips some times



  4. I used to have the same problem. I started to play basketball in the 6th grade. I first started to run suicides, for 5 muinetes straight. And the when I turned 14 I joined a gym and got a personal trainer at the gym. I told them I wanted to play basketball and they set me up for some drills. In my sophmore year I started at point guard for my high school team.

  5. -Eat healthy

    -Practice, Practice, Practice

    - You could do push ups without having to go to the gym

    -Work on your range(but keep good form)

    -I've taken protein shakes before but not to make me stronger so i dont know about that you could try though



  7. First shoot a few lay ups, and close range shots until you are making most of them in.

    Then go to any location on the court ( I suggest not too far ) and shoot shots from there for about 10 minutes.

    Next walk around the court shooting far 2 pointers.

    After all of this you can shoot from wherever you want.

    Finally repeat this routine every day that you can play basketball.

  8. well strength isnt "everything" in basketball young one. strength is a good thing. get your body fat down and get fast and work on shooting. endurance is a must for basketball. run run run run run out about 3-5 times a week but everytime after you work out get in the gym and put up at least 300 shots starting close then extending your range

  9. eat and drink milk

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