
How can I Direct Hook-up an Mp3 player to Car with no deck?

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Some one broke in and stole my deck out of my car. Now I have a big gaping hole in my dash. I don't use the car often, so I don't feel like spending money on a new CD player....So I was wondering if there was a way to hook my Sony Mp3 player up so it plays over the speakers. The trick is that since there isn't a radio, things like cassette adapters and FM tuners aren't viable....Right? Any ideas?




  1. you must have some type of reciever to power the speakers in your car. the mp3 player is made to power tiny, earphones... nothing like your car speakers.

    dude get a battery powered cd player and throw it in the back seat. or get a cheap deck. be careful when you throw it, you might brake it.

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