
How can I Join a College Sports Team without having high school experience in the specific sport?

by Guest63717  |  earlier

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I will like to Join my University's swimming team. what can I do without a high school profile as a swimming athlete?




  1. hey let me tell you that i can do 15 m in 7 second and i am in the college team and no i do not have high school experience bcs there wasn't swimming in my school anw if you got what it takes then you will do just fine and if you had a best time let me know and i will tell you more ..... btw you need to practice around 3 days per week 2 hour each and good luck ....

  2. You don't need to swim on a team associated with a high school in order to get on a university swim team. I've known talented swimmers who skipped high school seasons, not because of lack of a program, but because of financial considerations or training restrictions.

    The way to get a coaches attention is to have fast times, and those don't have to be swum in a high school setting. The list of high school events is pretty short compared to college, so times in high school really aren't the end-all, anyway.

    With or without fast times, the way to get on a university swim team is to talk to the coach. They can tell you if they have a place for you on their team.

  3. Most schools have some type of non-competative team (or less competative) and from there you could try out for the Varsity team.

  4. Usually you can't join a sport team unless you've had experience in high school with that sport. The only way you can go straight to the college team without experience is if you are amazing at swimming by nature. Maybe if you had a club team experience you would be a better candidate for a college swim team. If your college has a swimming club or something like that I would suggest joining that. Also talk to the coaches and see if they would even consider you on their team since you don't have experience.

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