
How can I Mask the smell?

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My d**n little brother was playing with matches in our house and now it smells like smoke or like something is burning and I know when my parents come home their gonna blame me. How can I mask the smell?




  1. Spray perfume or pour rubbing alcohol on the original source of smell.

  2. Cook something that changes the smell.  Open the windows and doors and get a fan circulating the air.  Spray an air freshener or light scented perfume in the house...Do you have any Fabreze in the house???  Or tell your parents the truth when they come in the house and make sure they know that there were matches low enough that your brother could get a hold of them. In all actuality they should make sure that things that can be harmful to the house or to you kids is put out of reach.

  3. Open all windows amd put on a fan for a while.After the smell slightly fades just spray some air freshner.And probably punish your little

  4. smoke up a storm

  5. f**t a LOT

  6. Light a candle.....................and put the matches up where he can't reach them!

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