
How can I Reuse my Tumble dryer water?

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Hi all, I was wondering how I could re use my Tumble dryer water?

I've got a condenser dryer that collects the water from my wet clothes, and once it's full I empty it down the sink.

Any other ideas on how I can re use it?

Thanks in advance.




  1. Watering plants and in the toilet cistern.

  2. Your toilet. Use it to flush it down the drain. Only thing is that you have to wait until you go potty to refill the bowl.

    I would think watering the plants as well. The final rinse takes out all the soap, so I don't see a problem with the condensated water for flowers.

  3. Water plants

    Wash your car

    Pour it back into the Washer and wash the next batch of clothes with it

  4. run it through a French drain ,into the garden,

    That means a pipe from the house ,into a trench filled with rocks ,covered with plastic and then soil ,

    plant trees on top

    This will filter the soapy water enough to be acceptable for the garden.

    and the guy above is right you can also redirect it to flush the toilets ,but that means pumping it into an intermediate tank,and if it stays in the tank to long ,it will start to smell so that is not really a practical solution.

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