
How can I? abuse related edit?

by  |  earlier

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hi, I had forgotten my email and password on my last question

so I made a new account

and I cant ask for help. I just cant. I'm afraid

and I want to know how to do it. so there is no way people will be able to turn their heads!

so please tell me how to give myself a black eye




  1. Don't be afraid to ask for help.  Giving yourself a black eye won't work. People will ask what happened  and you will make an excuse.  Especially if you are afraid to report your abuse.

    If this is serious, you need to tell a teacher.  They will help you.  

    I was taken away from my parents and put into foster care because of abuse.  My sister told.  That was the only way we were safe.

    You can do it and they will help you.

  2. i got a black eye when my br hit me with his hocky stick  

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