
How can I access my Yahoo 360 page?

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I've changed my privacy settings to "Public", but how can people access my site? Is the Yahoo 360 user name the site name? What is the link to my site?




  1. People outside of 360 can see your 360 space, but they can't comment unless their 360 is activated and they are signed into a Yahoo service. Since your settings are public, once a 360 member logs in, then they can comment.

    Make sure to check how other people view your page by clicking on the drop down menu "Preview as seen by" at the top right of your 360 "My Page". Choose a permission group and click the "Go" button.

    1) You can either use the LONG URL that  Yahoo provides for your  360:

    - Click "My Page"

    - Click the drop down menu "Preview as seen by" at the top right of your 360 "My Page".

    - Choose PUBLIC as the permission group and click the "Go" button

    - Click the "Top Page" link above your personal profile picture section on the left side.

    - Select & copy the FULL web address that appears in your web browser's address bar (starting from the http:// part)

    2) OR you can set up your a SIMPLE URL that uses your Yahoo ID in two places:

    - Click your "Settings" link on the top right of your 360 blog. Select "Activate my Simple URL" in  the Simple URL section below, if you want a simple URL for your 360 page. Click the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom.

    - Click the "Blog Settings" link to the upper left of the page.  Make sure you put a title, then scroll down and activate your simple URL. Click the "Save" button at the bottom.

    See for a visual on this.

    Now, you can give out 2 URLs:

    For your 360 space -[Your Yahoo ID or whatever profile ID you're using]

    For your blog area -[Your Yahoo ID or whatever profile ID you're using]

    *Without brackets, of course

    Send your URL via text message, e-mail, pigeon carrier, whatever works for you.

    3) You can also add a link to your 360 to your Yahoo! Answers profile.

    Click "My Profile" to the upper right of this Yahoo! Answers page, then clicking "Edit My Info" in the top left box on the Answers profile page. Scroll down to the Privacy section and check the option of showing the link to your 360 page. Click Preview button and then the Ok button.

    If it doesn't work (it has been a buggy feature) or the option is missing, paste the address to your 360 in your Y/A profile's "About Me" section with a space following it. If you have a Simple URL setup, use that instead. Make sure A SPACE follows the address and that it starts with http://

  2. Make sure you really did change your privacy settings. I went to your profile looking for the link to your 360 page. And I could not find the site link.  Other than that you can search for it using yahoo. Another thing is after you sign out of the site, bookmark it. Then you can work with that to help yourself find it when searching yahoo.

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