
How can I access my yahoo account from New Zealand?

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How can I access my yahoo account from New Zealand?




  1. Its the same anywhere in the world! Kiwis do talk english you know. go to

    Theres life outside of theUSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. I'm guessing you are actually asking how you get access to the internet in New Zealand while traveling. There are plenty of cyber-cafes all over the place. I haven't seen these much in the US, but theya re basically big rooms full of computers and you will have to pay for computer time, rates vary. It shouldn't be hard to find one. Can also check at the local libraries. Sometimes can get some free time at hostels if you stay at one too.

  3. Accessing Yahoo! from New Zealand is the same as in everywhere.  After hooking up to the internet, go to and log in.  If you are on wi-fi, some hotspots won't let you go into secure sites such as Yahoo, so watch out!

  4. Just log into

  5. Internet is the same all over the world.

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