
How can I accomplish my dream to be a journalist?

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I'm seventeen years old, and entering my final year of high school. When I think of what I want to do with my life that will make me happy, I cannot think of anything except journalism. However, I'm turned off by it because of what I've heard (The job openings are scarce, and journalists make like no money) Are these things true? Are there really very few job openings as a journalist? And would you recommend another career that is similar to journalism but not as risky?




  1. If it is your passion, it doesn't matter how many people want the same career. I would start a web page and blog in my spare time. Focus on local interest and local stories. Cover the stories that larger media outlets refuse to cover. You should pursue truth regardless of where it takes you. Topics that major media will not cover includes:

    - 9/11 Truth Movement

    - Winter Soldier Testimonies

    - Single Payer Universal Health Care

    - Independent or Green party Candidates for President

    - Ralph Nader's 12 Issues that are "off the table"

    You can prove your worth without getting with a large company by creating a web site that is attractive to a specific audience (truth seekers). When an opening does present itself, you will have evidence that you are a competent journalist who can deliver the best story.

    To publish, all you need is Microsoft Word and an ISP. An ISP can be had for $10.00 per month. I bet your parents may already have an account with web space available that they are not using.

    When you setup your web site and blog, let me know so that I can participate.


  2. If it's your passion, go for it!  It's challenging and fun, and there is no feeling in the world that's better than seeing your byline on the front page, when you know you've worked hard to gather the facts and present them better than anyone else could have.

    That being said, job openings are tight right now, but there will always be some for the best candidates.  In general, the jobs are not high-paying, although the larger the company, the better they'll be.  Don't expect to have a mansion when you retire.  Do expect to feel great fulfillment at performing a public service.  

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