
How can I ace the AP exams while studying a year abroad?

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Well I plan studying a year abroad in Germany my senior year of high school at a Gymnasium. But i also want to take AP exams, including AP German, AP enviromental, AP gov and politics, and AP English. Does anyone know of english speaking tutors in major cities in germany which teach these courses, or classes taught in english of AP courses? I haven't chosen the city where i will go yet, so this may determine my choice. Or should i just study the books and prep books and simply take the exams?




  1. AP American Gov & Politics is very easy to prepare for on your own -- just get a copy of the textbook (really thin at most high schools) and a review book, and you'll be fine. There's not that much material and it's all very intuitive -- I took the test and got a 5 even though I only took Comparative Government.

    If you're taking the English Language and Composition test, get the Cliffs review book. That's seriously all you need for a 5 as long as you're a reasonably good writer.

    I can't help you out with English Literature and Composition (if that's the one you're taking) or with environmental science, but I would not count on finding any tutors for those in Germany if I were you.

    You'll get SO much out of your study abroad experience that getting fewer AP credits won't really matter. And well, at least you'll ace AP German. :-)

  2. Actually, you'll be getting a very strong education in your gymnasium -- at college level! I'm really surprised you have a program that lets you choose your city -- most do not!

    Obviously your AP German won't be a problem. However, the best way to ace your other APs would be to take your textbooks with you. The AP tests are VERY textbook based. Check with the teachers and see if you can check some out.

    As far as tutors -- if you are in a place with a high American military population, you will find DOD (department of defense) schools. You may very well find teachers there who would help.

    However, I will warn you. ALl of this study in English will definitely hurt your immersion in German! ESPECIALLY if you use tutors and interact with them in English a lot! Depending upon your German ability, you can lose 3 days of immersion skill for every hour you interact in English!

    Good Luck & have fun.

  3. You can try to visit this website which I just came across, there are a lot of information on Study Abroad, hopefully may help you:


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