
How can I achieve a balance of a successful medical career and a happy family life?

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I am 16 years old and soon to be a junior in high school. I get mostly A's and I am taking several AP classes. I want to get into a good college and be successful in life. I don't really know what I want to do, honestly. However, recently I became interested in pediatric oncology (kids' cancer doctor). I don't know for sure if that's what I would like to do. Perhaps I would also like to work at a general pediatrician, or pediatric surgeon. I never really knew what I wanted to do, or even if I wanted to do something in a medical career. However, I really want to do something that helps people, and I know I would enjoy working with children, so I am thinking about this field.

However, I also am aware that to be a doctor, it takes 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, and several years of residency. I always wanted to get married and have kids and have a happy family life. I know being a doctor would take up most of my time.

I would like to know what options I have in my future, where I can have a successful career and also always be there for my kids. I don't want a babysitter to raise my family. What other careers should I consider?




  1. It's very possible to have a medical career and a successful family life.  Because of my job at a hospital, I work closely with many physicians.  You are correct that being a physician requires 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school and several years of residency depending on your specialty.  Your goal of helping children is admirable.  Balancing a medical career and a wife and children can be difficult, especially during residency.  A supportive and caring wife is critical.

    Your goal reminds me of one of the busiest and respected surgeons on the medical staff at the hospital where I work.  He is a young general surgeon and has 5 children.  His wife is a stay-at-home mom.  I frequently see this physician out in the community - at the "Y", at the grocery store, etc., generally with 2-3 kids in tow.  He's active in Medical Staff leadership, is a regular attendee but occasionally calls to say he has to miss a meeting because of a little league game.'s VERY possible - It just requires focus.  Good luck!

  2. Being a medical doctor isn't an occupation; it's a life-long commitment to a vocation, and the studying never ends. The hours suck, the training is BEYOND rigorous, and even when that formal training is over, your family life can easily take a back seat to your profession.

    You don't meed to be a medical doctor in order to work in medicine with kids.

    All the physical rehabilitation therapies require a master's degree; you wouldn't need 4 years of medical school plus a residency to become a speech pathologist, occupational therapist or physical therapist. All allow for part and full-time employment, which can be ideal when one values a family life.

    All pay very well. Investigate pay on

    Also visit the wensites of the American Speech Language Hearing Association, the American Physical Therapy Association, and the American Occupational Therapy Association for more info.

  3. You still have plenty of time to make up your mind.  Most careers require that you at least attend college, so make that your first priority right now.  During your first year in college take a pre-med class designed for freshmen so that you can find out exactly what will be required of you.  Medical school is demanding, and the practice of medicine is also demanding.  But many people have done it successfully, even while getting married and having children during the course of their education.  It can be done, but it will require patience and hard work.  Also, you need not have a babysitter raise your children if your spouse stays at home with the kids.

  4. while a family life while in medical school will be next to impossible because of the hours and committment, some types of physicians work fewer and more regular hours than others. For example, dermatologists have fewer emegencies than cardiac surgeons. Anesthesiologists also have fairly regular schedules. You can also do research..research the medical field-you will find a lot that you can pursue and stil raise a family. Good luck.

  5. Wow, I know exactly how you feel. I'm also a junior in high school. Sorry that I can't really answer your question because I'm wondering about the same thing, but I hope you can find an answer soon. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone in this! Good luck! ^_^

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