
How can I adopt a girl child from Iraq?

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hi guys,

I am an Indian, working and living in the United states. I want to help that war torn country (Iraq) by adopting a girl child from that country. That should inspire others from all over the world to come and save the girl children of that country. I am not understanding how to proceed in this matter. Can anyone help me with information, regarding this issue.




  1. No negetive comments here! As an adoptive parent I totally understand your desire to help those children.

    Unfortunetly Iraq does not allow adoption of Iraqi children at ALL. They only allow family and friends living in Iraq to have gardianship of the child, but foreigners from any other country may NOT adopt or even have gardianship.

    This site has a lot of information:

    I know that there are many children available for adoption in India. They try very hard to place the children with Indian citizens, so the children usually have to wait until over age 2 to be placed with a family in the US. As an Indian citizen you would be able to adopt the child at a much younger age, which would really help with their ablility to bond and attach.

    Good luck to you and you family.

  2. I agree you should adopt from India, they have overflowing orphanages and those not adopted, who age out of the system, do not fare well in that country due to the social hierarchy.

  3. Your intentions are good (ignore the first answerer) but unfortunately the Iraqi government doesn't do international adoption.  It might be time to consider another country, or go domestic.  Sorry :(

  4. Most of the previous posts are right, Iraq is not stable or organized enough to regulate adoptions at this point.  Please talk to an international adoption agency to help you learn about other countries with available children.  Also, your intentions of saving children and inspiring others are noble, however I would hope that you also have personal reasons for adopting, and that you have an abundance of time, patience, and love to share with a child.

  5. Actually, I don't think it can be done at this time because adoptions in India, US and Canada (as well as other western countries) have to be done according to Hague convention. Iraq has no infrastructure at this time and adoption from there would likely be considered as having a potential for child-trafficking, therefore, unacceptable by Hague convention (even if Iraq is a signatory of it).

    Ditto with Afghanistan and Pakistan - I checked for those myself.

  6. I really appreciate your concern, My god bless u!

    I am not sure how, but do some research on google, different adoption sites and the Iraq/ US governement websites, they should be helpful. May be you can invite a couple/family or an orphan child's relative/ guardian to India and then adopt the girl in India. I am not sure how practical is it though.

  7. Why can't you adopt boy children too. That would inspire more people.

  8. As the others have stated, Iraq does not allow the US to adopt.  I am unsure about India.  You can read more about this at

  9. Iraq doesn't do international adoption and even if they did they might exlude you unless you were a Muslim.  That's how most Muslim countries are that have adoption.

  10. How about Inspiring others to adopt an older child and rescue them from the foster care system here in the United States!  A country who has thousands of children languishing in foster care, never to know what it means to have a loving adult in their lives, never to know what it means to go to the same school for more than two months, never to know what it means to go to bed without hearing gunfire, never to know what it means to have a family!

    We are the greatest country on earth (???), and we don't even know how to take care of our own children?!


  11. Even if Iraq weren't in such a difficult state right now, you most likely wouldn't be able to adopt from Iraq because it is an Islamic nation (unless you are Muslim)

    Check out the US Dept. of State website

  12. First off, why would you adopt a child and then send her to your parent's house?  This makes absolutly no sense.  She will not even get a chance to know you before you ship her off someplace else.  

    Secondly, it's not as if there aren't any little Indian girls who need good homes.  I know for a fact that plenty of Indian girls are aborted, left to die or dropped at an orphanage in India merely because they don't have a Y chromosome.  Why don't you adopt one of them instead? Not to be negative, but your own country has very deep-seated issues, disregarding their baby girls like garbage.  I think you could be a real example to your country-men by bucking this trend and opening your home to a (or a few) Indian girls.  Perhaps you should feel sorry for them too.

    Thirdly, according the the US state department, it is not permitted for a non-Iraqi person to adopt an Iraqi child.

  13. My guess that the reason for specifying a girl for adoption, is that girls in fundamentalist Islamic countries are subject to persecution and opression.  

    They Cannot go out unless covered, cannot be educated, in fact, in some cases of fires, accidents etc.  Men and boys are rescued first, and women and girl children last.

    This is true in Afhghanistan as well - Sarah Ferguson, former Dutchess of York has recognized this, and is in the process of building a hundred underground schools where girls can be educated - out of sight an in safety

    It is also the same reason so many Chinese girls were adopted.  When China mandated the one child per family law, couples who had a girl, gave them up for adoption in order to have a chance to have a boy - more valued.

    It's admirable to want to give a child a chance who might otherwise live in subjugation.

    Alas, that doesn't answer your question --- but no, Adoptions from Iraq are not permitted at the moment.

  14. Umm why do you want only girls?

  15. I think its very sweet of you & your wife to adopt a lil girl from Iraq. Its sad with whats going on there, with the war and all. Good Luck and best wishes to you and your wife! God Bless.

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