
How can I adopt a kid from Samoa?

by  |  earlier

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I want one. They look cute. oh yah, I am only 12




  1. I have a child from samoa and i think the parents were alright with it.

    The easy way without any paper work and i really said no paperwork is to buy a potato sack, go to samoa, and when you see a child all alone you put duct tape over its mouth and pull the potato sack over it, once you get the airport, put a wig on it just incase theres an amber alert and say you'll give it candy when they get home. then get on the plane, then give it some medication so it forgets everything that happened.

    And there you go you have yourself a samoan child =]

  2. Just call I -800-Babies or try Asia

  3. You may want to try posting this question in the adoption category...  I'd try googling it otherwise!  Good luck, dear!

  4. oh my god, you have got to be kidding me

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