
How can I afford to move out?

by  |  earlier

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I'm currently twenty years old, living at home with my mother and older brother, I have a lot of things that are actually my own that I've worked hard for and bought without any help. I feel proud of myself now, but I feel like its time to leave the comfort of the nest and grow up a bit more.

My income is about $410 every two weeks. So I'm making about $820 a month.

Now if we subtract my expenses...

Car Payment - $200/month

Car Insurance - $200/month

Phone Bill - $80/month

That leaves about $340 left a month right now, a potential roommate and myself want to get a place that would be about $600 rent split right down the middle at $300 a piece.

The thing is... I know that $40 a month left over isn't even enough to cover utilities, let alone food, and enjoyment money, and that's not even mentioning SAVING some money...

I need some advice, I need a way to reduce my current expenses, or gain more income, I'll be taking out student loans very soon probably, I could always take out a bit extra, but again, that's not a stable source of income, and the money will deplete itself, and I'll feel lost once it's goine.




  1. I'm not an expert on this, but I would suggest you take a tour here,there are expert's tips over there.

  2. You also have to take in to account the price of gas.  I go through $40 just on a my weekend errands.

    Anyhow, you sound like a very smart kid.  Have you thought about getting a different that pays more?  How about a second job in the evenings?  

    Good Luck!!!

  3. Invest your money

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