
How can I (an American) get a penpal from Ireland .....?

by  |  earlier

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that's not through the internet?




  1. Ill be your penpal, I live in Ireland. But Im actaully American too, so maybe thats not what your looking for.

  2. I can't think of any organisations that supply this off the top of my head, your best bet probably is the internet unfortunately.

  3. You could place a personal advertisement in any of the national, regional or local newspapers or magazines in Ireland.  You will find the addresses of all of these at the site below, click on Press or Magazines on the left-hand panel.

    If you have a particular interest or hobby you could look up Irish clubs or interest groups with similar interests and write to them directly stating that you are interested in corresponding with a pen-pal.  

    If you are at school or college you could e-mail a school in Ireland with a request for a pen-pal.  Provide enough information so that the school can verify that it is a genuine request.  The second site below has an e-mail directory of schools.

  4. Well, I live in Dublin and Im fully Irish, so I would be happy to be your penpal if you like. Feel free to e-mail me whenever you like.

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