
How can I anwser to the question "How are you?"

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I mean that "How are you" became just a sort of greeting rather than express it's literal meaning. I usually answer "fine", "great" or sometimes "perfect!". But I wonder that whether I should answer to the question honestly or not.

How about you?

If you are really depressed, how do you answer?

When you feel that you don't want to answer to the question, how do you answer?




  1. 'Fine, thank you.  And you?'  Most people don't really care how you are really feeling.  If it's your mother, best friend, or doctor, then I would say answer how you are really doing.  If you are really feeling down when someone asks you can answer, 'It's been one of those days.'  I wouldn't go into details though.

  2. This isn't a real question meant to be answered in earnest but simply an acknowledgment of your existence.   I always answer "Fine" even if I don't feel good at all.  

  3. When I walk into work (Walmart) which is depressing by itself, I always try to walk in with a smile. And when co-workers ask how I am, I give them a great big smile and tell them 'FABULOUS'.

    By doing that even when I'm not feeling fabulous, it starts to turn my mood around.

    Yes, asking how someone is may be cliche', but I take it as people just being nice. I KNOW they don't want to know that my back is killing me, and it is just meant as small talk. But why should I let little things like that bother me? That inane banter keeps us human. And I feel sorry for people that find it stupid.  

  4. If I'm good I say "good". If I'm just all right I say "fine". If I'm sad or depressed or whatever I just say "I've been better". For most people, it's just a conversation opener. Some people go into detail about how they are, but I prefer to be a bit vague. Whether or not you give an honest answer is up to you. Some people, like me, prefer to be honest, yet vague. Maybe you prefer to give the impression that you're fine to avoid further questioning on your mood. Either is fine, it just depends on the person you're talking to and the kind of answer you wish to give.

  5. That depends who is asking. if it's a close friend then they want to really know and not just say fine if you feel depressed .. Good friends care then you should tell them exactly how you feel but if you go to the supermarket.. they only ask because it's demanded by them from management..  to always be polite.. they don't want to hear the truth.  if you feel depressed.. it's just a standard saying for them .. they don't care how you feel..  so say fine.. always but to close friends and family you should always feel that you can be open to them.. they care really about you and would hate if you told them you feel fine and you look depressed.. they would not believe you anyhow unless you are a consummate actress .. and they care.. so why lie to those who might be able to help you.. at the shops.. always say ''fine'' they don't want to know it's just their policy to ask but it has no meaning. x*x

  6. If I'm ok....I just say I'm fine, thank you....

    If not, just say I'm not in good mood... that's it...

  7. How am I what???? How am I doing what?? How am I feeling what?? How have I been what? Play completely stupid- it's annoying and you should get a small thrill knowing the person will be more cautious next time for fear of going through this kind of stupidity!!! By the way what is wrong with someone asking how you are?? I say how you answer depends on who is asking- you shouldn't start unloading your personal feelings and problems to the lady checking out your groceries-- you should really consider the question to be more of an offering of respect than an annoyance to deal with- if it's your mother or someone you really don't care for- unload- make em sorry they ever asked-- but don't be upset when people stop asking how you're doing and you start feeling depressed because no one seems to care!  

  8. I will answer "fine" no matter i'm depressed or not in a well condition.. Sometimes it's a good intimidation for yourself to get a better condition or run out of ur depressed condition..

  9. It depends on who asks it, and how they ask it.  If it's a casual acquaintance who is walking past with a quick, "hi, how are ya?" then just say what you've been saying.

    If it's a good friend who asks you and is obviously listening, then go ahead and tell them.  As a matter of fact if I ask someone whom I really care about expecting an answer, and they blow me off, I find that a little upsetting.  

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