
How can I approach being DUMPED in a mature manner?

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I've asked a few questions this week in regards to an old college sweetheart (met when we were 18) who recently started pursuing me for a relationship back in May. We live 4 hours apart and he had been so attentive in getting me to come see him---and when I visited him this past weekend---he totally flipped on me about some of my past lovers, and accused me of being a liar about something that I just didn't feel like was any of his business. Well I apologized and even poured my heart into a long email. He not only hasn't responded to the email, but he hasn't called ALL week and is flat out ignoring me. I am so MAD. I want to call and curse him out or send him an ugly text message. But something in me---is saying to just let him go. So I have deleted his # and erased him off my friends list for facebook and myspace (we're both 25 btw) Do you think this is the best approach. I feel like he manipulated me for the last three months just to get me up there to have s*x and then used my past to write me off. Such a JERK!




  1. You're doing the right thing.  The guy sounds unstable and immature.

  2. Give yourself some credit -- you ARE being mature.  You have done exactly what you should have done based on the way he treated you, and all that is left is the follow through.  Make sure you don't respond to any future attempts at contact by him, and this foul memory will fade into the recesses of your mind before you know it.

    Please answer mine:;...

  3. Wise move P.L.

    That is the mature way to do it. Plus...what is it with these men (or women) that beg to know who you've bedded down with and then have the audacity to rant and rave and carry on about your past lovers? That is most certainly someone you don't want in your life.

    So...delete everything.....make him a 'non-person' and should he call tell him to take a flying leap at the moon and hang up. Who needs that kind of psycho in their life anyway? And it so bad a lunatic 'dumped' you. Think about he, he did you an enormous favor.

  4. He just wanted a way out and u know what Pretty Lady?Ignore him.Hes a JERK indeed.

  5. Consider yourself blessed,he is a total jerk! I know you are mad,it sucks when someone takes advantage of a person like that. You will come out better in the long run for not having him in your life.

  6. Completely ignore him. He's psycho.  

  7. Ya, get out while you can, DON'T try to call him it won't do anything! He's obviously just acting like a child, and pouting. What a loser, see aren't you glad you found out now what kind of person he is!!!

  8. Sweetheart, you said it right "MEN ARE JERKS"!!!

    You are doing and did the right thing.  Delete him out of your life and move on.  Yes, it will be hard but you can do it.  

    Remember you are NOT trash - no man can just toss you to the curb when he feels like it and then when he feels like dealing with you he comes pick you out the trash.  You are so much better than that.  He doesn't and didn't deserve you nor do you deserve to be treated like that.

    Just know that you will have something juicy to write in your journal/diary.  Then when you look back on it you will just laugh to yourself on how that fool had you trippin'  

  9. I think this guy is not right for you (maybe not for anyone?) he has treated you badly, with no obvious reason why.  It sounds like you have been really honest with him, and he ought to appreciate your sincerity.  He sounds very controlling, so do not let him control you.  I think you have acted with dignity, and yes, it is the mature way. Good luck for the future.

  10. Sounds like you are on the right track.  Sometimes we get used, but its what we do afterwards that matters.  Chuck this up as a loss and some good experience.  Next time you will be smarter and move slower.  I would of visisted him, but i would of refrained from s*x.  Just to see what the relationship was about.  Now you know and next time you will be smarter and wiser.  

  11. yes it is manipulation, and the only way to deal with him is to put your foot down, FIRMLY.  Can't write your consequences in the sand.  You have to stick to your guns!!  If you feel like all he want from you is s*x, best solution is...STOP SLEEPING WITH HIM!!  Take your time, and let him come to you :-)

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