
How can I ask for donations without being pushy and still be assertive enough to get someone interested?

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In October of this year I will be participating in the AVON Walk For Breast Cancer. But it will cost me $1,800 to participate, of which I am supposed to be getting donations and sponsors. The money goes to breast cancer care and research.

Times are hard for alot of us so, what is the best wording when I knock on the community's doors? I don't want to sound pushy but at the same time I want them to realize that it is a good cause with a reputible company/organization. How can I get donations when I'm so worried about being bothersome?

Also, any other suggestions for raising the money other than door to door is much appreciated and needed!




  1. well my mom had it and noone helped when her insurance declined so tell me or show me where is the money? come everyone is still sick and dying....Shriners Hospital is the only one i see making a difference...the rest is bogus money scandals so please walk for shriners....I have never seen any charity work for TRULY unfortunate unhealthy people...shriners and ronald mcdonald house.....thats who you should walk for....i seen them at work...please feel free to enlighten me

  2. You don't have to be pushy, just be straightforward. It's a worthy cause; folks will give what they can.  Good for you!

  3. start with friends and family, and all e-mail contacts.  they should be happy to help.  then branch out to neighbours, work colleagues etc.  You could contact your local newspaper or tv station and get them to run a piece for you, with contact details for them to sponsor you.  Put up sponsor forms/posters in the local doctors surgery, hospital, shop, school,  church, playgroup, nursing home, anywhere you can think of (but get permission first!). write a "begging letter" to corporate organisations for sponsorship - some companies will sponsor you if you wear their vest etc.  dont be afraid of rejection - it is nothing personal but people do get compassion fatigue from so many charities wanting support.   That should be easier than doorstepping people, which can be very uncomfortable for all concerned.

    Good luck with that!  

    I recently lost my dad to cancer so i give to whatever cancer charities ask me!  I in 3 people get cancer nowadays so giving to cancer charities is a good investment for your own future!

    thanks bethenia for your comments, yeah I'm doing ok.

    If you write a letter or design a poster, you dont actually have to ask out loud do you?

    go along the lines of "Hi, I'm doing such and such for this charity because.............., and i need to raise as much as possible.  I would be grateful for your support, afterall everyone knows someone who has suffered from cancer.  Together we can make a difference!  Thanks for your support."

    Is that any help?

  4. I don't understand why you need $1,800 to participate in a charitable event- there are other breast cancer charities that aren't going to put a minimum on your fundraising-  God bless!

  5. I have been involved in the Relay for Life for 3 years, and I   have some ideas for you....

    Do you have a pet? If so, send a letter from your pet's perspective.

    Ask a local restaurant if they do fundraisers; lots of places do a percentage of a certain evening's "take" on their receipts.

    Will a local store let you set up in front of their place for a few hours? As people come in to or leave the store, TALK to them: say I am so and so and I am raising money for such and such today. Make some pink ribbons and leave them on the donation table.  If people leave something in your jar, no matter how small, thank them for supporting you.  

    Will the Avon Walk allow you to do advance raffles? If so, get a donation of something from a local business (nice restaurant??massage therapist??theater??garden center??sports team??) to raffle off, or if you have talents (such as quilting, painting, or the like), make an item and sell chances on it.

    Have a "why" for your walk: Is anyone in your circle of family or friends a breast cancer survivor? did you lose a loved one to it? When you are fundraising, say that you are walking in honor of them. If you have an email tool for fundraising, customize your letter to reflect that; put a photo of the person on your site if you can.

    I hope this gets you started.

  6. hi.u r participating in a good god'll help u it's sure,keep faith on ur self and fallow ur dreams dear.and be happy.bbye tkcr

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